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AMD Northbridge overclock

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Hey guys, I'm getting nice performance from my AMD Phenom II 940 when overclocked to 3.4 Ghz, but I realize that the North Bridge on the CPU is still at 1800, is there a way to change this?



This might be a stupid question- because I also recall that increasing the northbridge speed is how you overclocked, but I may be wrong.


Sorry guys, just Wondering if I can get more performance.

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Hey guys, I'm getting nice performance from my AMD Phenom II 940 when overclocked to 3.4 Ghz, but I realize that the North Bridge on the CPU is still at 1800, is there a way to change this?



This might be a stupid question- because I also recall that increasing the northbridge speed is how you overclocked, but I may be wrong.


Sorry guys, just Wondering if I can get more performance.

what kind of motherboard do you have?

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Hey guys, I'm getting nice performance from my AMD Phenom II 940 when overclocked to 3.4 Ghz, but I realize that the North Bridge on the CPU is still at 1800, is there a way to change this?



This might be a stupid question- because I also recall that increasing the northbridge speed is how you overclocked, but I may be wrong.


Sorry guys, just Wondering if I can get more performance.

If you dont have a NB multiplier or ratio option in your bios the you must use the "fsb" or cpu speed. This will raise the NB. HT, and the memory speed so you have watch that you dont OC the ram to high above its rated speed. most people lower the ram speed and bring the "fsb" so not to OC the ram. Your NB multiplier is set to 9x at default. That is 9 X the default "fsb" of 200 which gives you 1800. so you can do the math and figure out where you want it. Also I think that AOD has options to change the NB multi on black editions but i am not to sure because i havent used it. the NB at 2400 is were a lot of ph2 owners like to at least be. But i have seen a few people that can get much at all of a NB OC.

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Okay. Um, well- I'm using the black edition- so do I have to raise the fsb above 200? Maybe I sholdn't use multipliers then.


I'm using the M3A78 Motherboard- though I think I'm not going to use it for long! It sucks, few advanced overclocking settings in the bios.

Edited by Rockstone

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am not sure what your bios options are. You have to look yourself. With black editions you normally get a NB multiplier option, It may be a ratio or 9x is the default. Its not better to use the "fsb" if you can just change the multiplier. Raising the NB will give you very good results in memory bottlenecked situations. The NB will increase the memory bandwidth much much better then buying faster ram! If you cannot find a NB multiplier or link option in your bios then you can OC it by using the "fsb". Just drop your ram down on default speed and push the "fsb" up to where your ram was originally, That should bring your NB up indirectly. But there should be an option in your bios and you shouldn't have to do that with a BE

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I don't see one on the Bios options.



I'll go ahead and look some more before I decide to use the NB multiplier increase.


The NB multiplier is what you want to use to overclock the NB!

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No, I can't but the folks at Toms Hardware have stated that the M3A78 Motherboard doesn't have that overclocking feature. It looks like I'm going to decrease the multiplier and increase the reference clock.

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