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Striker II Extreme + Q9550 OC Issues

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Hey guys, this will be my first post anywhere regarding my OCing experience. I would like to start by saying that i have read and researched OCing for the past few weeks before i attempted it on my own. I have gained vasts amounts of knowledge through my reading and unfortunately it has not proved helpful in my current situation.


Long story short, i am attempting a modest OC of 3.4 from the original 2.83 but i can not get it to run Prime95 stable. Cores 3 and 4 repeatedly fail within a few seconds. I have tried using different CPU voltage values which seem to make little to no difference when i run prime95.


Brief Description:

Current stable system speed: Linked & Sync'd at 1333, all voltages on auto. Speed step enabled. Stable as a rock. At full load with prime95 CPU core voltage according to Everest, CPUz is at 1.23v and shows VID of 1.2125 through Core Temp (let me say now that i was never able to see a VID above this value even as i changed the CPU Core voltage manually). CPU VTT at 1.14, CPU PLL at 1.52, NB at 1.33 and SB at 1.49. Again these values are shown @ full load with AUTO settings in the bios.


Again, i am new to OCing so please don't blast me for the ways in which i experimented. And again, i have also tried to research on my own as much as possible before i posted. Im sure its just my noobish-ness which is causing me to fail at OCing.


I made several attempts to OC to 3.4 unlinked and linked from the memory at first to rule that factor out. But as a reference i will use the settings for which i want to be able to run stable at.


Current Goal - 3.4ghz (fsb 1600 linked & sync'd)


I'll start off by telling you that i am using OCZ Reaper DDR3 1800 (8-8-8-27 1T @ 1.8v) so technically i am still running it below rated speeds. I have disabled all the options that might mess with OC (c1e, speed step, thermal sensors, spread spectrums, etc) During my attempts to OC to 3.4 i have only been adjusting CPU, VTT and NB voltages. I have used known values that work with many others, as well as voltages up to the safe maximum but which made little to no difference. It is always core 3 and 4 that fail within a few seconds, while core 1 and 2 go on strong.


CPU voltage values used: 1.28 - 1.4

VTT values used: 1.26 - 1.32 (although it seems 1.30 is the value majority of ppl use)

NB values used: 1.4 - 1.5 (1.46 is another value most commonly used)


I usually left the memory voltages alone being that i am still running only 4gigs at below rated speeds.


So regardless of what voltages i have tried, i still get the same result of core 3 and 4 failing within a few seconds under prime95. I honestly do not know what i am doing wrong at this point. Am i right when i assume that i do not need to change any other values considering that i am not OCing my memory and only aiming for a modest OC of 3.4? i can boot into windows about 50% of the time with no issues at all, and it runs fine. The only way i was able to tell it was no good is through the prime95 tests which causes 3 and 4 to fail over and over.


I have read so much, to the point where i thought i would be able to troubleshoot on my own. But it seems i may just be overlooking something, or just in over my head.


I apologize if the format i've written in looks messy, or not that helpful enough for you guys to diagnose my issue. I will try my best to be informative if you guys need any other info to help me out.


I know theres alot of people out there that go strait into posting looking how to OC, but i have honestly did my hw and tried to the best of my ability to figure it out on my own.


on a End Note: i have noticed according to other ppls screen shots of Core Temp that they're VID is at a minimum of 1.25 on overclocks, where as i can not go above 1.2125 no matter what CPU and VTT voltage i set. I may be wrong, but i suspect this may play a part as to why i can not pass primte95 tests.


I would really appreciate your opinions and help. And if i get none, i guess i'll have to live with 1333 linked and sync'd


EDIT: I would also like to say that i have tried using Auto settings for voltages on 1 of the attempts to OC to 3.4, it would boot fine but same issue with core 3 and 4 failing within a few seconds under prime.

Edited by NyczSleepyHeadz

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That's odd... In this situation normally people would go straight for the vcore and up it. Since you've already tried that then maybe loosening the timings of the RAM? Adding to the voltage of the RAM?


Maybe back off on the FSB and see if it's stable.

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make the ram voltage 2.1v if stock is 1.8v


That's a sure way to cook his modules as the SIIE over volts the memory by .1v



If you are not even hitting the 1800 speed on your modules your voltages are fine. The ReaperX set I used on mine did need their rated voltage though so stick there. If you are trying for linked and synced 1600 try lowering the NB volts starting in the 1.32 range . Linked and synced is hard on the NB but make sure you are cooling it well to keep it alive. Its been a while so I will need to refresh my memory on the BIOS on the SIIE but your goal should be achievable if your chip can do it.

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That's a sure way to cook his modules as the SIIE over volts the memory by .1v



If you are not even hitting the 1800 speed on your modules your voltages are fine. The ReaperX set I used on mine did need their rated voltage though so stick there. If you are trying for linked and synced 1600 try lowering the NB volts starting in the 1.32 range . Linked and synced is hard on the NB but make sure you are cooling it well to keep it alive. Its been a while so I will need to refresh my memory on the BIOS on the SIIE but your goal should be achievable if your chip can do it.


The rated voltage on the memory is actually 1.9 (which i've tried using) , but i figured i can get away with less since i was trying to run it at 1600.


So you are saying i should adjust the NB voltage in the range of 1.32 and leave all other settings on auto or manually set? I have only used auto to get a general range of what voltages i should be using. But in any case, wouldnt lowering the NB cause further instability on OCing? I have used varied voltages up to 1.46ish with it making no difference. As far as cooling, it has nothing special other than the stock sync, and i have placed a fan right near it which exhausts the heat out of the case.


I will try to post a pic of my bios and monitoring stats later tonight after work. But here is an older image i've found on Overclockersclub.com http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/as...i_extreme/4.htm

The only difference i can see is that in my overvoltage section, i have the ability to change the CPU GTL voltages.

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I am at a loss. I've made numerous attempts to figure it out on my own since my first post. I tried tweaking with the GTL Ref. voltages in hopes of getting the 3rd and 4th core stable, but no luck. So no1 on this forum has enough knowledge on my mobo or setup to offer me any insight? Looks like i'll be sticking to stock *tear*

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am at a loss. I've made numerous attempts to figure it out on my own since my first post. I tried tweaking with the GTL Ref. voltages in hopes of getting the 3rd and 4th core stable, but no luck. So no1 on this forum has enough knowledge on my mobo or setup to offer me any insight? Looks like i'll be sticking to stock *tear*


Hi Nycz, I am fairly new to this myself but had a good read through graysky's excellent guide http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.php?showtopic=71656 and went on from there. Am running a Q9550 E0 stepping on Asus P5Q-Pro with 8gb of ddr2 and have got the processor to [email protected] (455x8.5) on air, so far stable and temps ok. Personally I kept it simple to start, locked the ram voltage at manufacturers (rec.1.9v for yours) and then play with the processor frequency, as I say am no expert myself. I have not messed with any other voltages on m/b and let the bios take care of all that although have messed with some of the settings, will try to get some screen shots posted on here of the bios settings in case it's any help but not sure what the similarities will be. Think your target of 3.4 should be well achievable so don't give up just mess with one thing at a time......

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