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How do I increase the multipler in the BIOS

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I updated my BIOS recently to the latest available from ASUS.


Now when I open CPU-ID this is what my system information says:


Can someone help me out here?






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You would do this through the BIOS itself, but I can only assist you so much without knowing the specs of your system.


EDIT: Looking at it again, that isn't a multiplier problem, I reckon Speedstep is enabled.

Edited by r3d c0m3t

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FIXED!!! I dug around in the BIOS and found where Speedstep was enabled, have now disabled, and all back to normal. Thanks for all your help.


EDIT: Have added my system specs to my signature, currently sitting the CPU at 3.91ghz @ 42

Edited by boeingaviation

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