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Braking OC Theory?

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yeah sometimes easily hitting the 70's with p95 at 4ghz with speedfan on Vcore 1.251


sorry i should have listed all the parts earlier, if you click on my sig and go to the blog page that's all the parts i have currently (i have yet to add the sound card that i recently got doing that as i am typing this.


sorry that i don't really have my . together its just that i have a lot of work to do and such at the moment and am posting in the moments that i can grab and sometimes am rushing which combined with the worry over the temps makes me type and work kinda sloppy.


EDIT: Updated the site, my Sigs picture is the link(as in click my sig picture.) The parts list for the water cooling loop is listed at the VERY BOTTOM of the blogs page its the first blog so goes chronologically down towards the past... if that makes sense

Edited by Nekroze

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Proven, i have my test results all done up now....


with my i7 920 on water cooling with 200Bklck 20 Multi and 1.25625 Vcore my temps (all tests and temps are recorded and here displayed with OCCT 3.0.1) after a full 1hr standard OCCT test reached a max of 72C degrees full load with the minimum idle being 45. Stable.


With {input same chip stats bar Vcore as in para2} 1.3 Vcore {same testing and result conditions and measures} after 30 minutes of OCCT temps reached a max of 87C and that higher towards the end... test aborted early for unlike of temps recorded. Stable.


With {input same chip stats bar Vcore as in para2} STOCK Vcore {same testing and result conditions and measures} after 2.6 minutes of OCCT temps reached a max of 96C temps climbed to max of previous test instantly upon taking load... test aborted for unlike of temps recorded. idle temps recorded 51-55C. Stable.


thus in my belief disproving the common thought that overclock and then consequently increasing the Vcore increases heat but then lowering it as far as stability allows lowers the increased temps of an overclock. In one way i have broken this, as i have now proven that sometimes a lowering of Vcore and lead to a sever and possibly damaging increase! thank you all.

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so no real comments on this can anyone explain why this happens?

if your radiator isn't removing heat from the water in your loop faster than the CPU is adding it, then the temperature of the water will rise. this makes it less efficient at removing heat from the CPU. if you start with a high vcore then lower it, the water is already heated and may continue to rise, resulting in increased temps despite the decrease in CPU voltage.

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that is true however all tests where done on cold boots to make sure of reducing such instances.


doesnt take long for a loop to get hot though, a few min at most.

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yeah but after more then an hour powered down the waters temperature would drop and the afore mentioned problem of a test that gets 80C then if you reboot instantly the temps can be even higher then before as the water is still hot to make sure things like that don't happen i made sure the rig was cold booted, and yes it dose not take long for WC loop to heat up a bit however if all tests are on cold boot then all it still proves that it is hotter if the readings go hotter. simple.

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OK sorry to double post but this is something important and would make and EDIT seem kinda odd to me so if there is a problem sorry but here we go.


i have a brand spanking new problem occasionally (usually after changing an overclock setting in the bios the screen resolution reverts to 1600x1200 and says this is the max resolution for my screen which it used to display even the model number of my 24" dell monitor that has a native resolution of 1920x1200 the current res is stretched out and looks bad and well its just no good. this is the third time its happen.


the first i had to re install the nvidia drivers and rebooted and it worked fine after until the second time, then i put in the monitor disk and rebooted the computer... i was running out of options and thought may as well look at the disc for it and although there was nothing on it bar manuals and such after 2 reboots it worked again now its happened a third time and neither previous fixes had worked and i am getting frustrated and very annoyed.


its a brand new GTX 295 and has never had any problems before.


EDIT: i have searched all around and found nothing on the webs!

EDIT2: i have temporarily fixed this via plugging my monitor into the second monitor port then setting up a dual dysplay with the monitor as the second screen with desktop on that second display and disabled the 1st display and it works for now am about to test it after a reboot but if this happens again i don't think this will work, more then anything i would like to know why this is happening!?



Edited by Nekroze

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