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PC no longer turns on

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Hey guys, I just got my new cooler in today and added a little OC to my cpu from what I had on the stock cooler. I was running Prime95 and monitoring the temps when all of hte sudden the PC just shut off. At the time of shutodwn the CPU was at 3.6GHz @ 1.45v and maxing at 60C. And now it won't even start up. I push the power button and the fan LEDS flash on for about a half a second then it turns back off.


I really hope I didn't fry anything though it seems kind of unlikely.. any ideas? Thanks in advance.


Edit: Reseting CMOS did nothing.

Edited by XxHellxRaizerxX

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New cooler + more OC... maybe it overheated and shut off?


My old DFI would sometimes do that (not due to heat), but when it did and resetting CMOS didn't help, I would unplug the power cable for about 20 seconds, plug it back in, and it would magically work after that. I would also double check the cooler to make sure it's on there well enough.

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Yea I was getting much better temps than I was on my stock cooler so I'm pretty sure it was on there. The temps were still under AMD's maximum recommended so I wasn't worried.


The only time i can get it to do the 1/2 second of power is when I unplug it for a while and then try it, otherwise it does nothing. Do you think itmight possbily be my mohterboard that died, considering it was only like $110 and has no VRM HS? And if it has died, what can I do as far as getting it replaced?

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Ok new question, since im pretty sure its dead now. Do you think it's the CPU or Motherboard? I don't really have a way of testing itso any thoughts would be nice. I'm leaning towards the Motherboard because the cpu wasn't anywhere near it's limits and the motherboard was kinda cheap anyways. Thansk in Advance :(

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VRM's definitely look friend . Try an RMA. you bough it from Newegg im guessing. they will return anything if you complain about it enough.


XxHellxRaizerxX are you from Columbia Missouri?

If so im 30 miles down the road from you

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Last board I put my hands on which lacked a VRM heatsink ended up dying under load and also killed the processor



Those MOSFETs get very hot under load, you can't overclock as much (well you can but...) and you shouldn't use as much Vcore if they don't have a heatsink

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