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Best Motherboard for E8600 and Sli Set Up ?

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Hi All


Sorry if this question has been answered before, but i have undertaken a simple search in the forum and could not find what i was looking for.


My question is which is the best/appropriate motherboard for E8600 CPU and also having a sli set up(2 cards). I would like to build a PC and am researching the components i would like to use. I would also like to overclock the E8600 CPU.


I know some people recommend the Asus Rampage X48 E8600 however i could not clarify whether this motherboard supports SLI or not.


So if any one could nudge me in the right direction, i would be grateful.


Kind Regards

mrhrk01 ~

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The boards that support both an 8600 and SLI are kinda junky. There have been a ton of threads like this lately and the answer is usually to avoid the socket 775 SLI boards whenever possible.


Have you considered using ATI's Crossfire (which is the same thing)? Or have you considered other chips like AMD's Phenom II or Intel's i7? If you have the money to go SLI you probably have the money to do better than an E8600 on a 780i/790i board.

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Not to mention X58 boards cost the same as 790i boards, and E8600s cost the same as a 920 i7. That one right there is a no brainer.


Edit: and x58 supports SLI. You get your cake and can eat it too.. wewt.

Edited by 9KRacing

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