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I fully understand that amd Is just as good as intel but I like the EVGA 790i FTW board and also like the 775. what are some good processors that use 775 and are good for beginers who want to run sli and have a fast gaming computer.



You havent fully made me love amd yet!!!!!

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We have already given you a LOT of info on the 775 boards and chips. I don't think anyone is going to type it again.


Why do you like the 790i and why do you want DDR3 ram?

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Since you all think the 775 is stupid what do you think of this build


Nahelem core i7 920

EVGA X58 sli motherboard

600watt psu

blu ray drive

500gb hdd

6gb core i7 mem (ocz tri channel)

and what video card do you sugest that supports sli and tri sli?

full atx case

thermaltake spin Q cpu cooler

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OK. First of all... STOP posting four times in a row. You can edit your post if you come up with more to say and double-posting is frowned upon. Quad-posting is blasphemy. Please stop.


Second... First you said under $200. Then you said under $230. Then you ask about an X3350 for $290 and a Q9550 for $270. Now you're talking i7. You need to make up your mind.


As for the Q8400, I already said what I think a few posts ago:

Looks like the only real sub-$300 Intel quads are the Q8xxx series. Those are just so low speed though and with such low multipliers I would think OCing them would be a real let-down.

No way those Q8xxx chips are getting to that 3.6-3.8 figure you seem so obsessed with.


As for tri-SLI, that's a joke. Waste of money now, even more waste of money later. And not because it's expensive. Because it's expensive and it doesn't work. The benefits from adding a third graphics card are extraordinarily small and the only real reason to do so is if you're one of those people who buy two of the biggest cards on the market and for some reason it's not enough. You are clearly not in that scenario, so I would suggest ignoring tri-SLI or even seeing it for the giant marketing gimmick that it is.


As for DDR3 being "top of the line", well... three is bigger than two. I'll give you that. But there's really no reason to go DDR3 unless you're going i7 and you have to. If you're on a budget (I thought you were, now I'm not so sure), DDR3 is a waste. It won't make your machine any faster and it will cost you more. Why not spend that money where you'll actually see the difference?

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ok fine I will stop the horrible posting


what build would be good if you wanted to have a fast computer for under 900$ this is final and I would like it to later on run bluray and sli (2 cards)

thank you for the help


I would like it to run the i7 or atleast a good cpu that you would recomend that is not amd

Edited by connor776

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ok fine I will stop the horrible posting


what build would be good if you wanted to have a fast computer for under 900$ this is final and I would like it to later on run bluray and sli (2 cards)

thank you for the help

Ah! There we go! Now we've got a real budget :P


Question though: What does that $900 include? What parts do you need? Are you doing an upgrade where you'll be keeping your old burner and hard drive and such, or do you need everything? Do you need a case? Keyboard and mouse?



I should have known you'd throw an edit in there as I was typing...


A minute ago you said you'd consider AMD. Now apparently you won't. I don't understand that. It seems really silly to me to write off the best part for your price range so arbitrarily.

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okay here it is 900$


I need everything but a mouse and keyboard and I dont neccesarily want an amd processor but I will use one if they are the best of the best


that is set in stone


Is there any way to use an i7 920 at this budget or is that idea just stupid

Edited by connor776

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Is there any way to use an i7 920 at this budget or is that idea just stupid

I'd have to price it out, but I think you could pretty easily get into a 920 on that budget. The question for me is which system is going to work better at the end. AMD will save you money over an i7 chip. That's 100% for sure. So the question is, how much more video card can you buy with the money you save? That's something I'll have to price out.


If your budget doesn't allow enough room to get the i7 and a high-end video card, then to me it'd be worth it to drop to a Phenom II and get the video upgrade instead. The i7 is better than the Phenom II, but it's not that much better. But an extra $50-100 for a bigger video card? That is a lot better.

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