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i7 oc question

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ill let prime run for a few hours at this vcore and see whats up.


yes qpi is set to 1.3000 vcore is uber low tho lol


how long to run prime to see if the ram is stable here?so far doing good at this super low volts lol

Edited by rud3bwoy

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If you want to check ram stability run memtest.


I run PRIME95 for 1-2 hours for stability,i think more time than that is overkill,you will never stress your cpu that much even if you are hardcore gamer.

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yea ill run2 hours and see whats good


so far have been 1 hour


i upped the voltages a bit 1.064 and doing good here


Do you have speed step and the necessary options enabled? Are you checking your vcore during a Prime95 load?

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its stable i ran prime 95 for 3 hours the vcore listed on top that i notched it up to did the trick =)


The reason I asked was because it sounds like you have speedstep enabled, which can cause the vcore and CPU speed to drop significantly once the system is sitting idle. If you are only checking the vcore at idle that explains why you think its set so low, the range you listed is perfect for the power-saving modes.

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