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I cant play for more than 30 mins?


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Hey, after transferring GTA IV onto my current PC, (much more powerful) i've had some problems with running GTA.

As i first start playing, i get good graphic quality, and a good frame rate, it's all good. But then after about a half hour it gets rapidly worse until it's pretty much unplayable, im talking like 2 or 3 frames a second. The PC is obviously spec'ed enough to run it, as it used to run it fine, and im hardly pushing my graphics card.

Anyone know what might be slowing it? Something going on in the background i cant see?


It's pretty annoying, although one good thing i can think of is it prevents me playing too much GTA! XD

Any help greatly appreciated :)


Cheers, Ben

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First thing to check is temps, cpu and gpu. Then check stability (if overclocked) take your OC off and try it and see what happens. Those are the two most common for the situation you described.

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Is it patched up to date? At release it had a really bad memory leak. I haven't played in awhile but never had the memory leak myself.


Also what do you mean by transferred? Like just copied the install files over manually? If so i'd do a fresh install then patch it. Just copy the save game files before hand and copy and paste them back in.

Edited by Raiderfan001

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with all these guys. Do updates if not a fresh install. Check ur temps. Also, might run a memtest. I had the same thing happen to me and a stick of ram was goin bad. New stick = no more problems. For me anyways.

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Gpu temps is almost a for sure. Yes that game is stressing your computer more than you think. So Find something to monitor your temperatures dont do anything until you know what your computer is doing.

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