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Best 7.1 Speaker Sound System


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I was wondering what the best 7.1 channel sound system for gaming is. It also has to be decent for music, movies, etc. Thanks!

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Yeah, I was just wondering. I'm not planning on actually buying anything right now, at least, but I was just curious. Max price I was thinking about though, is $2000. Maybe a little higher, but something around that. Thanks!

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:lol: Probably about half a million...somewhere in there (it was slightly sarcastic).


Realistically, I'd look at an Onkyo or Denon receiver, with Axiom speakers. Those speakers will probably be around $1700 for an entry level 7.1 package . Or, you can look at going a little higher quality with their M22's as fronts, but to keep your budget, you'd have to go with less speakers (or add extra surrounds when you could afford them).

Edited by Crazy_Nate

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I'd recommend a dedicated sound card capable of full 7.1 digital pass through (and letting the receiver decode). Then you'd just need a single coax or optical (toslink) cable :)


I've run sound through my receiver before, generally the output levels for the analog sound cards are not as high as analog levels from dedicated devices (say...a cd player) - so, I would have to crank up the volume on the receiver to compensate. There may be some exceptions, but digital shouldn't have any problems with levels.

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