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need your guys expert advice!

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Hey guys! I just have a question about which computer to purchase! I tried asking this in another site but I haven't received too much feedback, so wondering if you guys could help me out a little more?? I just wanted your advice on a laptop purchase...I have looked around and found these 2:


Lenovo 3000 G530 4446-24U







I heard that Best Buy might not be the place to buy from however, as you can get a longer warranty if you buy elsewhere? I am looking to spend under $1000, and I want to play some decent newer games, but I also want some battery life too (heard the Asus has very poor battery life?). But I also heard the wireless on the Lenovo is bad? Ahhh! And the bigger the screen the better pretty much! What else do you guys like to know? Oh and it doesn't have to be just between those 2, if you prefer another one or have a better option, I'll take it! :):)


Thank you!


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you wont be gaming much on the Lenovo 3000 G530 4446-24U! thats not good one in my opinion.

As far as the screen size goes, its really not the bigger the better unless that is your personal preference. Usually the larger the screen the higher resolution, the higher the resolution the bigger the gpu MUST BE to push the graphics at that resolution. The problem is that just because it has a big screen doesnt mean that the gpu is sufficient. Also most people dont realize that just because the resolution is 1920 x1080 or what ever doesnt automatically make it finer detail. Example is these 48 to 60 inch HD tvx that are 1080i (1920 x 1080) compared to a 24 inch computer monitor at the same resolution. The computer monitor is gonna have much finer/better resolution because the pixels per square inch is much more finer then the 60 inch tv's. Its the same all the way down to smaller resolutions and screen sizes. Thats saying that a fifteen inch monitor at 1366x768 has the potential to look better then a 19 inch at 1440 x 900. Its got more pixels per square inch which will give you a lot finer resolution then the much higher 1440 x 900 that is spread across a much wider screen. So really most people dont take into account that the screen size is relevent to the resolution as far as better crisper look graphics go.

Out of those choices the ASUS G50Vt-X5 is much better choice and it will look very good. Its got a very good gpu for the resolution. Althou i am not to fond of the cpu it will be okay. So dont right off the 15 or 16 inch screens as long as the resolution isnt like 1024 or something. Its about balance and if i were you i would look for a little more of a cpu then the asus but if that were my choices i would pick it over the lenovo hands down


Hey see what you think about this one:


it blows the other asus away in my opinion


Anyone else have any thing better

Edited by ocre

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First off these laptops don't compare one is super budget and the other is a light gaming laptop and cost 40% more.


If you worried about warranty and solid product of those two the best buy is probably more right, but you sound like you don't have much experience I would highly suggest you go check out dell and HP. Money for most machine is your goal decide how much your going to spend log on to those two places and see which is offering more machine for your money.


You can't go wrong with either as they both back up their products.

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First off these laptops don't compare one is super budget and the other is a light gaming laptop and cost 40% more.


$600 vs. $900 is a strange comparison. They're not really very close. There's no right answer. I could make a case for either, but without knowing your needs and monetary situation it's just shooting in the dark.


Most people will predictably pick the higher priced one simply because it's higher priced, keep that in mind too.

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hey, I almost got the G50 but decided to build another desktop instead. Now, I do work at that evil BBY place so dont think this is work related, I am a huge fan of the black tie protection. If you dont get it, you'll have to deal with the manufacturer for warranty issues. The extra protection can also cover damage if happen to drop on the ground or even spill liquid on it! (This is weird but it clearly states in the Black tie protection "does not cover bodily fluids") lol. Overall, I am a fan of Asus and the G50 is a beast for the $$. Its your choice though. I hope all goes well for ya and I hoped this helped. :)

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