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How To Test Stability

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Hey yall I'm new to this as well. I am gonna actually start my overclocking when I get my watercooler in (suppose to be here friday :-D ).


I already have prime 95 installed and i have run it before just playing around.


Say I OC my processor. Then I run the prime95 test on it. What exactly am i looking for to stop like what exactly is instability? Say i got too high and my system wont boot is it gonna boot to my mobo screen and then just shut down after that? Or does it just not boot? And if it doesn't boot what do i do to reset the cmos to get it to boot again?


I just need some better descriptions on exactly what its gonna look like. I have been surfing the forums and reading how tos and everyones input so I have a decent idea of what i'm doing. I clocked down my processor cause it was running too hot on the old heat sink I have. I have PC Wizard installed and it is reading the right clock that I did so I know I know what settings to overclock I just need some adjectives lol.


Thanks so much everyone!!

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I split this off from where it was. It had nothing to do with the thread it was in, so I made it it's own.


As for instability in Prime95, you'll know :) If Prime finds and error, it stops running and tells you on the screen. If that happens, you know you're unstable. It really doesn't even matter what the error says. Generally, an error is an error.

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I split this off from where it was. It had nothing to do with the thread it was in, so I made it it's own.


As for instability in Prime95, you'll know :) If Prime finds and error, it stops running and tells you on the screen. If that happens, you know you're unstable. It really doesn't even matter what the error says. Generally, an error is an error.

Such programs can also cause a bluescreen or a freeze.


To reset the BIOS, there is a little jumper on the motherboard. Newer motherboards have a button instead.


Also, you may be able to POST, but when trying to BOOT into Windows, you get a bluescreen. Just go back in the BIOS and continue tweaking!


Good luck :)

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Hey Again!


I just got my water cooler in and installed it and I have already started to OC. I'm Running OCCT and I get an error after a few minutes. The temps haven't gotten above 46C and I have seen alot of people with way higher temps.... Is it just the fact that my OC is too high for the processor under stress?


Thanks again to everyone who has been helping me learn the world of OverClocking!!

Edited by tmann8869

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Is it just the fact that my OC is too high for the processor under stress?

it could be due to any number of things, however without even asking about your settings, i'm thinking your ram may be an issue.


1x2 GB PC2-6400~2x2 GB PC2-5300


seems to me like this configuration is bound to cause trouble when overclocking. i would advise using only the 2x2GB sticks and trying again.

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One of the things a beginner should do when trying to overclock is "practice" at stock settings.

By doing this it accomplishes a few things at once.

You won't run the risk of harming your components, you won't get the frustration that can discourage you and you can set up a strategy of stability testing and confirm your hardware is up to the task while you are learning.


Whether you clock your processor 100% or 0%, the process is the same.


I still will always test my new hardware at stock settings to have a good baseline starting point.


It also helps as stated earlier to know where you are at as far as RAM timings, voltages, cooling, what programs are you using to watch temps, etc.


Too many things to hash out which is another reaon I advise to test stability at stock and work your way up.

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Wow not sure what happened.


I just read the earlier post about the two different memory sticks. So I clocked down to stock settings to mess around.


I tried to remove the PC2-6400 and just run with the two 5300's. Originally it was setup like this Dimm 1=6400 Dimm 2=5300 Dimm 3=5300


After reading my MOBO manual it says that for DDR2 to work you run in either 1&2 or 3&4. So i removed the 6400 and placed the two 5300s in slots 1&2 and left out the 6400. Upon boot everything is going good normal windows comes up and seems to be running fine. Then when I try to use Internet Explorer ( to check OCC's forums :) ) I get an blue screen error.


The error reads:

BCcode: 1000008e







Product 256_1


After a very frustrating hour and a half I decided to go back to my original set up that I described earlier and now everything seems to be working fine....


Does anyone have any ideas as to what this might be? I am super stumped! I haven't seen anything like this in any forums.

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Does anyone have any ideas as to what this might be? I am super stumped! I haven't seen anything like this in any forums.

ok ensure that you're running the sticks in the correct slots. it's an easy mistake to make, but ideally you should have one stick in each channel, which usually means the ones which are the same colour.


i don't know why that would be causing a blue screen error though, especially at stock settings. by stock settings, do you mean you've let the motherboard choose them?

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Yup Loaded the optimized defaults from the Motherboard....


Ya i'm positive that I had it in the correct slots.


Its really weird. Everything is fine now that I put everything back to where it was.

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Its really weird. Everything is fine now that I put everything back to where it was.

certainly is wierd.


well to go into a little more detail, if you didn't already know you're ultimately going to be better off using the two 5300 sticks in order to make use of your motherboards dual channel mode. however, as far as i can see dual channel mode being enabled seems like the only thing that could be causing that error, and i still don't see why it would beside the added stress on the northbridge. the ram is clearly functional, and slots 1 & 2 on your motherboard seem to work fine.


not entirely sure what to recommend. :(

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