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E8500 overclocking, temps etc...

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Hello i started overclocking my Core2 E8500, and i have problems with temperatures.


At start when i booted in stock settings my idle temps were around 43-45 and load temps around 60, but now after i removed IHS temps are 48 idle and 85 load, cooling is good water cooling with Swiftec GTZ block, Laing D5 Vario pump, Tygon tubing and 240mm radiator.


Im thinking of that my temp sensor of CPU might be broken or something since with IHS off temps should be same or less than with IHS, anyone knows what is going on my cpu?


Thermal paste i used wihle IHS was still in the CPU was Coollaboratory Liquid Metal Pad witch i melted in burn in progress (load temp of 75celcius).


Now when i dont have IHS i have Artic Silver 5 in beatwean cpu die and waterblock.


I can overclock this cpu up to 4.2ghz @ 1.4volts and 100celcius load temp witch i dont see to be healthy for the cpu, or then its just missdetection issue with sensor.

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Not shure but it might be possible that maybe my cpu's sensor "broke" when i did melting process with Liquid metal pad, going to buy later digital thermometer and check is cpu really this hot.


Have you checked the contact patch on your block to make sure it's sitting level? I've seen people run hotter after removing an IHS because the block or HSF was no longer getting good contact, or it unevenly applied pressure across the chip.

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im using 3 different programs along MSI's DC Center and they are RealTemp, CoreTemp and Everest all of them exept MSI DC Center reports same temperatures.


I have tryed to Re-Mount my waterblock several times and allways got same temperature results, checked allways contact and it have been good and even contact beatwean cpu and waterblock.


Temperatures seem to change alot by changing volts, every 0.1volt's temperature difference in idle is 8-10 celcius.

Edited by rintamarotta

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