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Can't OC CPU past 1600FSB on EP45T-DS3R


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This is a really weird problem.. it seems whenever I set try to set the FSB at ANYTHING higher than 400, I would get a "data corrupted" error when extracting large winrar archives. Right now, I have the FSB set to 400 on my E8500, which is COMPLETELY stable in Prime95, and doesn't give me any errors in winrar.


I do not believe it's a temperature problem, since my CPU never even hits 50c on load. My Northbridge & Southbridge temps never go past 45c.


My rig:

OS: Vista Home Premium 64-bit

CPU: Intel E8500 @3.8GHz ~stock voltage~

Gfx Card: Radeon HD 4850

Memory: 4GB DDR3 1333MHz Patriot

HDD: 1.5TB Seagate

MB: Gigabyte GA-EP45T-DS3R

PSU: Antec TruePower 750w

Case: Antec Twelve Hundred


believe me, I've adjusted the voltages like crazy... I've been working on this for days. Even if I set vCore to 1.4v, MCH core to 1.4v, PLL 1.6v, vtt 1.38v... nothing seems to matter, even if I raise the FSB to ONLY 402... it will still be unstable.


It's very weird because at 400 or below, everything is completely stable with stock voltages... Right now, I'm thinking it's my motherboard keeping me from getting past 400fsb. What do you guys think?

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There are limits, You just can't overclock to whatever.


I say keep playing with every voltage option you have.


Try a different program to unpack things as well, winrar if using 7zip, 7zip if using winrar.


In your post you say the CPU is left at stock voltage, increase CPU voltage..

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Honestly... Just set everything at auto and I find 90% of the time it will boot fine. Just change your ram and cpu frequencies, then set all voltages to auto and let it go. Then you can use EasyTuner6 to see what the board set the voltages to. From there you can tweak and do whatever.



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There are limits, You just can't overclock to whatever.


I say keep playing with every voltage option you have.


Try a different program to unpack things as well, winrar if using 7zip, 7zip if using winrar.


In your post you say the CPU is left at stock voltage, increase CPU voltage..


no no, that's stock voltage for 3.8GHz. I'm trying to go PAST 3.8GHz, which even changing voltages doesn't make it stable with Winrar. Like I said, I've changed the voltages around a lot, but nothing seems to work.


Honestly... Just set everything at auto and I find 90% of the time it will boot fine. Just change your ram and cpu frequencies, then set all voltages to auto and let it go. Then you can use EasyTuner6 to see what the board set the voltages to. From there you can tweak and do whatever.




I tried everything at auto, doesn't work. and to be honest, auto sets my voltages too high.


have you ever turned up the northbridge voltage?

Yes, northbridge AND southbridge.

Edited by HD4850

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Try 7zip.


I could do that, but I want to solve this stability problem. Obviously it's not stable, since Winrar works fine once I reduce my fsb to 400. Using a different software to replace winrar is not a good way to solve this problem. This has to be solved in BIOS or changing hardwares.

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I could do that, but I want to solve this stability problem. Obviously it's not stable, since Winrar works fine once I reduce my fsb to 400. Using a different software to replace winrar is not a good way to solve this problem. This has to be solved in BIOS or changing hardwares.

Good attitude!


Have you checked your memory stability at the higher FSB? Perhaps you're just running into a little memory instability.

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Have you checked your memory stability at the higher FSB? Perhaps you're just running into a little memory instability.

I've tried changing the memory straps & frequencies around. Still does not solve the problem :/


I understand what you're trying to say, but if it was my RAM that's unstable, then increasing RAM voltage should solve the problem. Sadly, it doesn't. I've set the RAM voltage to 1.8v and still see instability in winrar whenever the FSB is over 400. With the same voltage, the problem disappears when FSB is exactly 400 or below.



I did some googling, and found a few other ppl are having this "400fsb wall" problem. Sadly tho, none of them have found a solution to it. I guess I'm forced to buy a new motherboard and new RAM =(

Edited by HD4850

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I think it's possible that you've reached either the FSB wall of your CPU or the max your northbridge can take... I know my mobo won't get either chip of mine over 450FSB stable, and won't boot at all over 500.


That said, have you tried bumping your FSB past say 425MHz, in case of an fsb hole? it may be worth a shot if you haven't tried before.

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I think it's possible that you've reached either the FSB wall of your CPU or the max your northbridge can take... I know my mobo won't get either chip of mine over 450FSB stable, and won't boot at all over 500.


That said, have you tried bumping your FSB past say 425MHz, in case of an fsb hole? it may be worth a shot if you haven't tried before.


Oh believe me, I've tried 401x9.5, 422x9.5, 443x9.5, 453x9.5


They all boot up, but gives me the same errors in winrar.


It seems like there's no easy solution to this problem. Thanks for all the replies, but at this point, I think I'll just get a new motherboard and new RAM.

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