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Q6600 and STOCK fan - do I need to upgrade the fan?

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I am buying the Q6600 and the fan that comes with it. I am using it for NLE and some compositing. I don't intend on overclocking it because I am NOT going to be playing games. Is the STOCK fan going to be good enough? Also, what power supply should I be looking at?

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if no serious overclocking... dont to waste money on fan.... get a nice 600W PSU from corsair, enermax, tagan and alot more products...


Thanks for the reply. So 600W is the minimum you would recommend?

If I was going to overclock, which I doubt, I wouldn't be pushing things very far.

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just get corsair HX620 modular.. in case ur changing ur mind to gaming and overclock stuff.... and buy a nice cpu cooler such as TRUE 120, CM v10, ocz vendetta 2... WTV the top on the list...

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Listing your other parts will help us recommend a suitable PSU.


Sorry about that.


Here goes -

Right now I have a ASUS P5Q-E motherboard and 8 gigs of Corsair RAM (800mhz)

I am still shopping for the CPU (which I think will be the Q6600), a power supply and a case.

The video card will probably be the Saphire Raden HD 3870.


Just using it for Editing, some animation and compositing.

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Any good quality 400 watt supply would be fine for that kind of setup.



Really? That would be great considering that the 600W+ are close to $100.00 bucks for decent ones.

Why only 400W if you don't mind me asking? Why are people using 500W-700w?

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Why only 400W if you don't mind me asking? Why are people using 500W-700w?

People love to overestimate how much power they need and/or buy extra in case they upgrade down the line. I would bet that you won't pull much over 300 watts under load from your setup.


That, and most power supplies are most efficient in the 50-75% load range.

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People love to overestimate how much power they need and/or buy extra in case they upgrade down the line. I would bet that you won't pull much over 300 watts under load from your setup.


That, and most power supplies are most efficient in the 50-75% load range.


That is great news for my bank account. I have seen setups with a case and Power Supply for around $50.00! I don't think I would go that cheap, but anywhere in the range of $70-100 for a PS and Case is alright by me. Do the overclockers have to use 500W and up?

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I wouldn't trust many power supplies that come with cases. They are usually dirt cheap pieces of junk.


Yes after some more research, I was thinking the same thing. someone told me I should add up all of the components and see what the power supply usage is. Does this ring true?

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