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I just got my Q9550 stable here at 3.93GHz. w00t w00t!



I got stuck at 3.8GHz because I would pass small FTT test in prime, but couldn't pass blend. finally manually set PLL voltage to the second lowest setting my mobo offered, 1.52v and the thing primed like a dream. (BTW anybody think that's too high?)


My voltage got bumped to 1.41v in bios which translated to 1.312v in CPU-Z (actually it fluctuates between that and 1.296v)

Anyway, Pretty stable now at 3.93GHz (hour or so prime blend test) but no matter the voltages I put through this thing, it refuses to boot @ 4.0GHz... I upped the vcore to 1.43v and still nothing. NB voltage is 1.5v to be stable at 3.93GHz and I'm a little afraid to give it a whole lot more than that. (maybe that's my problem)


Anyway, this is kind of an update/question as to why it won't boot @ 4GHz. then again, i'm perfectly content where I am, just think 4GHz would be nice ;).

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Nice OC, but yeah if I were you I'd be choked if I couldn't hit 4ghz, lol, it would drive me nuts. Not to highjack this thread.. but I just got my maximum stable overclock on my e8400 of 4.1ghz with 1.36 vcore :D my DDR2-8500 ram wont budge past 4.1ghz. Also Turophiliac seems you know what you're doing when it comes to overclocking... What would you rather use in my position.. 4.1ghz with 912mhz ram 5-5-5-15 or 4ghz with 900mhz ram 4-4-4-12? Basically higher speed or tighter timings? Both work but I'm just curious... Sorry for going off topic... Try for the big 4!!

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What would you rather use in my position.. 4.1ghz with 912mhz ram 5-5-5-15 or 4ghz with 900mhz ram 4-4-4-12? Basically higher speed or tighter timings? Both work but I'm just curious... Sorry for going off topic... Try for the big 4!!

well, 12MHz on the RAM isn't going to make a whole lot of difference, but then again, niether is moving from 4 to 5 on the RAM Timings. I'd say keep trying for that 1:1 cpu:RAM ratio and bump your RAM voltages a notch or two to see if you can get 912MHz @ 4-4-4-12 timings.


Nice oc. How are you cooling this?

Cooler's in my Sig. Tuniq Tower 120mm


Now for my OC I'm wondering about CPU VTT voltage and what I can use for "safe" settings and what would increasing it do for me in my 4GHz attempt?

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Wow 1.5 volts on the NB for 3.93 huh.... I'm using 1.2v for 4.2ghz on mine. I would maybe try 1.55 and 1.6 at max, and see where it gets you. You have to remember the higher the fsb is, the more fsb voltage is needed, and therefore more NB voltage too. At only .07ghz from 4ghz, you shouldn't really have any troubles. Have you tried booting at 4ghz with the settings for 3.93? It seems close enough it might work. GL HF :)

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At only .07ghz from 4ghz, you shouldn't really have any troubles. Have you tried booting at 4ghz with the settings for 3.93? It seems close enough it might work. GL HF :)

You would think, huh? but no, the settings don't even give me a POST. It fails that and reboots at stock settings.

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Lol. Well yoy may have also reached your fsb wall on the processor itself. I know after 4.3ghz my e8400 barely gets into windows with ridiculous voltages, and after 4.6ghz it won't post no matter what it's set to. You can try bumping the voltage on absolutely everything by a nice chunk and see where that gets you, lol. I got my e8400 in windows at 4.6ghz by having everything in bios basically in the red voltages, if not just under the red. It was a suicide run and nothing more. I think if you get it to 4ghz it may only work to post and get in windows and you might not get it 24/7 stable. It would bother me, for being so close to 4ghz, but if it means over-volting the hell out of everything, is it really a performance gain or a loss? I would keep trying if I were you, but just don't hope to get it 24/7 stable. I got my e8400 to 4.6ghz and got a superpi 1M run in (didn't get a screenshot, but it was 10.1 seconds). Have fun with it :)

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