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Failures in one core, possible solutions?

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NOTE: all voltages are taken from BIOS not CPUID


I have been trying to minimize vcore and subsequently temperatures for my Q9550 @ 3.68Ghz.

Although I have successfully achieved this @ 1.30 vcore (1.26vtt 1.50pll) with pretty decent air cooled results: 41-39-45-40 (Tcase @ 32) but I noticed something along the way that could probably help me shave a few more v steps off.... Tell me what you think?


when priming at 1.28500, I got stable results on 3/4 cores but got a rounding error real fast with the 4th core(logical cpu #3).

Is this a clear sign of too low a vcore or do you think its possible to correct this "unstable behavior" with a GTL ref adjustment???


CPU: Q9550 @ 3.68Ghz

MB: Striker II Extreme

RAM: 4GB ddr3 1333 9-9-9-24 (stock)

OS: Vista 64

GPU:evga 9800Gx2 @ 702/1750/1100

HDD: 640GB 7200rmp

FDD:Blu Ray


CASE: Cosmos S

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It happens. I have one weak core on a 9450. you could try gtl ref voltage adjustments and skew settings to crutch it along. I would look a little closer but both my 790 boards are on the way back for RMAs.

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Just for reference: The fact that it's only one core really has no relevance. That's pretty much always the case. One of them will always crack first and then it shuts down before the others get a chance. I've never heard of anyone getting multiple core failures at the same time in P95. That's just the way it's set up.

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Especially when the newest versions you can isolate a work thread to a core to find out what one really does fail. There will be that weak link that but the suggestions I made before are time consuming but fruitful if you take the time

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I know this post is a few days old... but surprisingly enough, I was having this problem earlier today, trying to OC my Q9550 to 3.8GHz. I actally raised my NB voltage to 1.50v and I took my PLL voltage off of auto and put it on the lowest setting my mobo had (1.50v) and bumped it up one notch to 1.52v. I hope that gives th OP some idea of what he can do.

Edited by Turophiliac

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