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Sick of this Motherboard


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I am really sick and tired of this board. It randomly restarts my PC, overclocks good at best, and the placement of the sata ports are so terrible that one of my cables snapped the port it had to bend so much due to it. I am getting rid of this board ASAP. I need help on a replacement. Here's what I'm looking for: Need my E8400 to OC to a minimum of 4ghz. I want to OC my OCZ Reaper 1066 DDR2 sticks to 1120mhz-ish. I have a 9800gtx+, I don't care if it's an SLI or Crossfire board, but either is a bonus. No less that 4 sata ports. Needs lots of room for CPU heatsinks. Most importantly, I am not spending more than 150-200 dollars (Canadian) on a board. ANY suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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lol sorry to hear you're crappy luck with ur 750i. I have that same board and lov it. Although, you are right about the sata port placement...>.>.....I want to kill the designer who put those right there.... I havent really tried to get a stable 24/7 4Ghz OC on my chip on this board, but i can get it to stay up in Prime95 for about 10 hours before it fails at 4.2Ghz. better luck with your next board m8. :thumbs-up:

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Have you considered the Gigabyte EP45-UD3P or UD3R?


I don't have any personal experience with either, but I have heard that they are pretty good overclockers.


The UD3P is a little more expensive than the UD3R, but it does have a couple more features.


UD3P- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...58&Tpk=ud3p


UD3R- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16813128359

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Have you considered the Gigabyte EP45-UD3P or UD3R?


I don't have any personal experience with either, but I have heard that they are pretty good overclockers.


The UD3P is a little more expensive than the UD3R, but it does have a couple more features.


UD3P- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...58&Tpk=ud3p


UD3R- http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?...N82E16813128359


I have had experience with the UD3P, and it is bar none the best motherboard I have had the pleasure working with. I can't say enough about it. HIGHLY recommend it. The UD3R is the same motherboard but supports crossfire. Pick your poison, lol.


I would've gotten the UD3R as opposed to the Asus I have now, but newegg was out of the gigabyte when I ordered my pc.

Edited by Crow47

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The UD3R is the same motherboard but supports crossfire. Pick your poison, lol.

Ya got that one backwards...UD3P is the "high end" Crossfire version. Buy yeah, an extra PCIe slot is the only change.


I flat out LOVE my UD3P, It was $115 when I bought it the same week it launched (I honestly had NO clue what I was buying tbh, but it was a P45 board, good brand, good specs, and turns out to be the best spur of the moment board purchase I've made.)


You wont regret it unless you get an urge to SLI, but honestly, with the troubles of the nvidia chipsets these days I'll pass, though I can't deny my 680i's useful life has been rather impressive when compared to the P965 that was out around the same time...

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