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E8400 @ 4.0 How Low Can You Get Your Vcore?


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Here's what I came up with:


Sorry I didn't do Prime95. I just don't trust it and my experience has been better with IntelBurnTest anyway. I thought this thing was stable before with mem at 5-5-5-15, 3.8GHz core @1.24V but I learned that it wasn't stable (Prime95 24 hours) after I ran IBT. After I got it all re-clocked to 6-6-6-18 mem 3.8GHz core @ 1.28V a lot of weird things stopped happening, so I started using IBT. Also IBT is way faster, a 10 pass run usually takes less than a half-hour. This is a new low voltage for this proc (down .022V from 1.35V) and I might leave it like this for awhile. The max temps are why I usually don't run this fast and also why I want to do water cooling. Ambient is 69F (20.6C) by the way.

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THANKS, ocmooz


Two quick questions for you.


I've been leaving my Tjmax @ 100 and I see you have yours set to 95 degrees. Do I have the wrong Tjmax set?


I've also noticed you did the pencil mod to your MB. I did it to mine about a year and a half ago and it completely eliminated

both my Vdrop and Vdroop, but since i've added a few extra fans to by box it seems to be slowly coming back. I haven't

coated the mod with anything. Did you coat yours? If yes, what is good?


Thanks again.

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It worked great, I loved not having that .06-7 drop on the P5KC when it was new.


It's not that bad now (about .02) but the next time I pull it apart I'll redo and coat this time.


THANKS DSL2008, for the info on the Tjmax too.

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I dont have an E8400 and linpack fails even at stock clocks, can I play with the quad and prime95?



YES you can.


Anytime you want to get rid of that nasty quad core and downgrade to an E8400 I'd be willing to swap with you.



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THANKS, ocmooz


Two quick questions for you.


I've been leaving my Tjmax @ 100 and I see you have yours set to 95 degrees. Do I have the wrong Tjmax set?


I've also noticed you did the pencil mod to your MB. I did it to mine about a year and a half ago and it completely eliminated

both my Vdrop and Vdroop, but since i've added a few extra fans to my box it seems to be slowly coming back. I haven't

coated the mod with anything. Did you coat yours? If yes, what is good?


Thanks again.

I didn't coat mine, but I did re-do it about a month ago with a #2HB. And as far as I'm concerned 95C tjmax is correct for dual-core 45nm. If the fans are making it droop more I'd suspect a psu not a pencil mod.

Edited by ocmooz

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I didn't coat mine, but I did re-do it about a month ago with a #2HB. And as far as I'm concerned 95C tjmax is correct for dual-core 45nm. If the fans are making it droop more I'd suspect a psu not a pencil mod.


I've never noticed it until I put an additional fan in the side of my case pointed at my Ram. Since that's close to the mod

I was just presuming it's blowing a little of the graphite off. I'll check out the PSU also.


Thanks for the info.

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As I OC my machine, I have been lowering the vcore slowly to try to find the lowest stable voltage. So far, at 445 FSB x 9 I am running stable with a vcore of 1.23750 (1.224 in CPU-Z). As far as stability tests go, I ran 5 iterations of the Intel Burn test and a 1-hour OCCT test - both were successful. I am currently running Prime95 Large-FFTs; it's 13hours into the test as I write this with no errors. If I get 24 hours with no errors I am going to lower my vcore further and see how that goes. What I am aiming for is the lowest stable vcore value that will keep my system stable at 4.0GHz. I define stable as 24hours of Prime95 Large-FFTs, 1 hour OCCT and 10 IBTs, all with no errors.


A question though; RJR, I noticed you mentioned you were going to set your vcore back to the VID value (1.250v). I am just curious why one would do that - is it simply that your system isn't stable at your 1.224 setting or is there some advantage to matching the VID? I am 99% sure its a stability issue, but I thought I would ask :)


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Well i've never tested 1.224v for 24/7 stability, theres no reason too. You don't gain anything from going from 1.25v to 1.22v, not going to make your chip last longer, not going to make it more stable. Just doesn't do a thing for you, that's why I never took the time to test my lowest settings for 24/7 use. :rolleyes:


This was a game, only a game.

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