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E8400 @ 4.0 How Low Can You Get Your Vcore?


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Well i've never tested 1.224v for 24/7 stability, theres no reason too. You don't gain anything from going from 1.25v to 1.22v, not going to make your chip last longer, not going to make it more stable. Just doesn't do a thing for you, that's why I never took the time to test my lowest settings for 24/7 use. :rolleyes:


Fair enough! I was under the assumption that a lower vcore meant lower temperatures and a slightly longer chip life. Good to know.


This was a game, only a game.


True, but it is also instructive - it lets me compare my vcore to others running at 4.0Ghz, after all :)

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And as far as I'm concerned 95C tjmax is correct for dual-core 45nm.

No, it's 100C




PS. I can't find the original Intel document (all links to it are broken) but I read it myself and the values in the links provided are accurate.


oh and to add to the actual discussion, I'm one of those with a C0 revision, so mine takes 1.42v (set in bios, 1.328v from CPU-Z) to boot into windows @ 4.0GHz. never tested stability, but i'm sure it isn't.


Edited by Turophiliac

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hmm, how fast would youre RAM be running if you set FSB at 445?

Isn't the default FSB 200?

What should you make the DRAM:FSB ratio if you increase the FSB to 445?

(Let's say you have decent RAM with heatsinks, but not gaming sticks) :thumbs-up:

Edited by hojin994

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hmm, how fast would youre RAM be running if you set FSB at 445?

Isn't the default FSB 200?

What should you make the DRAM:FSB ratio if you increase the FSB to 445?


only if you are running DDR2 400MHz. if you are running DDR2 800MHz like most people then the stock freq is 400MHz.

Mines at 1:1

Edited by Turophiliac

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only if you are running DDR2 400MHz. if you are running DDR2 800MHz like most people then the stock freq is 400MHz.

Mines at 1:1

My bad, I thought the default FSB for mobo's were 200MHz

So is it safe to make the RAM run at 445MHz with a 1:1 Ratio?

Also, what are the benefits of raising FSB vs raising multiplier?

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So is it safe to make the RAM run at 445MHz with a 1:1 Ratio?

Also, what are the benefits of raising FSB vs raising multiplier?

it'd be running the RAM at 890MHz (double data rate as you know) which can be a sizable (sizeable?) overclock for some generic RAM, but most OCZ or G Skill should handle it fairly well.


I don't know about raising fsb vs raising multiplier... never made sense to me, but my chip's max multi is 9, so I leave it there.

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I easily hit 4.05ghz on my build a couple months ago, with the push of one button in the gigabyte overclocking software that came with my board. I've been quite happy with this speed and will probably go in manually and get more out of it later but I've just been having too much fun to bother. I haven't stressed for 8hrs + but have had no lockups. I did go in and turn the voltage down a little, to what I remembered was around 1.275. After seeing this thread I decided to load up cpu-z and see where I left off and to my surprise it says 1.168. It bounces to 1.152 occasionally. I knew it would pass 15 minutes easy cause I do multi task some and have played several games and ran some gaming benchmarks. I have all the throttling stuff turned off. If people are serious about this little competition then people should be honest and have these options off, since after the test the voltage could drop...right? Sorry for the poor paint picture , haven't got my softwares installed yet.




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I wish my E8400 wasn't in my 680i atm, then I could play along. Too bad the chipset starts to completely crap out around 425ish fsb :(


Maybe I'll swap it back with the Q6600 sometime, the Q6600 can clock similar in both boards after all, I've just been using extra cores on the main rig in the last month or two.

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I easily hit 4.05ghz on my build a couple months ago, with the push of one button in the gigabyte overclocking software that came with my board. I've been quite happy with this speed and will probably go in manually and get more out of it later but I've just been having too much fun to bother. I haven't stressed for 8hrs + but have had no lockups. I did go in and turn the voltage down a little, to what I remembered was around 1.275. After seeing this thread I decided to load up cpu-z and see where I left off and to my surprise it says 1.168. It bounces to 1.152 occasionally. I knew it would pass 15 minutes easy cause I do multi task some and have played several games and ran some gaming benchmarks. I have all the throttling stuff turned off. If people are serious about this little competition then people should be honest and have these options off, since after the test the voltage could drop...right? Sorry for the poor paint picture , haven't got my softwares installed yet.



NICE!!! I can't even get Windows to load at that Voltage.


What's the VID of that sweet chip???? :)



Paint picture, not screen shot, hmmmmm. Have to do.

Edited by RJR

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VID? Sorry I guess I don't know what that is. Doesn't the screenshot need to be saved in a picture program that can then be saved somewhere on the net (I use photobucket.com), that can then be linked here so we can all see it? Or is there an easier way and is then considered a screenshot?


What is considered too high voltage on VTT and PLL?

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