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Case Lights

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I have an all acrylic case so using lights seemed to be a requirement.


I use 3 12in cold cathode ray lights, two of which are doubles UV or blue.


I also have 6 LED fans.


If you want enought light to help see inside the case I recommend the cold cathode ray lights.


They generate more light then a single LED.


Here is a picture of my lights( this is a new system so I like to show it off. :) )



Edited by mwillman

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Alright, this is something i've been keeping a secret far too long.


At AutoZone or Discount Auto Parts (can't remember which), they have 12" long LED strips. They have adhesive backing and are meant to be used for interior lighting in motor vehicles. The good news? If you have an extra 4pin molex... you can power it from your PSU. And they're BRIGHT as hell, I have a few of them in my Camaro.


Here's the manufacturer's website.



That's grossly overpriced, and in stores you will find those 12" strips for ~15$. They are very bright... blindingly bright. I'll take some pics of my car's interior to prove a point.




They work really well.

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Five?? Good Lord, does your system act as a floor lamp too?? :P I have 2, both with a lengthwise strip of electrical tape covering half the cathode and they flood my case with light. I'd love to see a photo of your rig if you have one psycho

i would post a pic, but unfortunately all my cameras are broken in some way and i don't know the bluetooth password to send them from my mobile. i will try to get one up if i get a chance, but to clarify 3 of the 5 are UV cathodes so they don't give off that much light, although there is a nice glow to them, and of course they illuminate the UV cables and tubes. the other two are sound sensitive, so most of the time my LED fans are putting out more light than the cathodes.


interesting that you mentioned that strip of tape. i hadn't really thought about using it to reflect light. it's quite difficult to properly fill a case with UV light so when i get a chance i will buy some reflective tape and see if i can get any more light out of mine. :thumbs-up:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Guys, I'm all about the artistic (or possibly autistic) side of making a screaming fast computer look good too! I can do light scenes in mine! It's a good idea to do some cable covers of some kind and possibly modding to UV connectors and such. I use 2 cold cathode UV lights, one 3 led red, one 3 led blue, one 3 led green and six 80mm case fans that can either have all lights off or individually controlled to have red, blue or green leds on. The Cold cathodes are from Logisys and the 3 color changeable fans come from Bluegears. I don't remember who makes the 3 led laser lights but I got them from CrazyPC.com, a good source for lighting mods and led fans. Each fan had it's own 4 position sliding switch mounted to a back case slot cover.


Instead of covering up all the slot covers in the back of my Lian-LI, I decided to mod one of the left over 5" bay covers by measuring, drilling and filing 6 rectangular switch holes, cutting off the ends of the cover plates so that the switches are mounted vertically behind the bay cover and the width of the slot covers serves to space the switches apart with room to spare! I hot glued the metal slot pieces to the back of the cover and attached the switches with the provided screws. I now can control the color of each of the 6 fans in my case.


I used a Lian-Li Rheubus 4 channel controller to adjust fan speeds for the 4 rear fans. The 2 front fans are controlled by the stock Lian-Li 3 position switch on the front of the case under the cover. I made a 4 toggle light switch cover to turn the three 3 color laser leds to half power (green light)/full power (red light) or off (no light). These switches were easier to do since they were round and came with a plexiglass template. The 4th swich is used to turn the cold cathode lights on or off.


They say a picture is worth a thousand words... so here ya go: (It shines more light color at night!)(I threw in the pix of the 3 color gaming keyboard by Ideazon Merc Stealth and the Razer Copperhead 2000 DPI mouse for good measure!) Let me know what ya think!










Edited by polabear

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