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Watercooling Spaghetti


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just finished putting this watercooling system back together with the new stuff there is a total of seven blocks in this setup and it looks just like a plate of spaghetti thought it would be fun to show you all how it looks LOL :lol:



and after


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Why does your primary graphics card block have FOUR barbs on it? Surely it should only have one inlet barb and one outlet barb

Forward and return loop it looks like...

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that's what you would *assume* the intention is, but the only graphics block flow design in ANY gpu block (that I have seen) is SINGLE inlet, SINGLE outlet... the purpose of having barb threads tapped on each side is that you can decide which side is going to be the barb, and the other is blocked...


the way the graphics blocks are set up now, the primary graphics card would only get a *tiny* amount of flow, as it is connected in parallel, with the majority of the flow going straight from the top to the bottom without going through the block


that is, unless somehow the block is some sort of double channeled block that has TWO pairs of inlets and outlets... the likelihood of this is extremely low

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the way the graphics blocks are set up now, the primary graphics card would only get a *tiny* amount of flow, as it is connected in parallel, with the majority of the flow going straight from the top to the bottom without going through the block

Nrg makes a really good point here. How are the temps on that top video card? It would seem that it's connected in parallel and probably getting very little flow. You should probably just be using one upward facing barb and one downward facing barb on that top card.

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that is, unless somehow the block is some sort of double channeled block that has TWO pairs of inlets and outlets... the likelihood of this is extremely low

I was kinda thinking that's what it was but obviously I don't know much about water setups.

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