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Q6600 And Cooling Issues


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I just received my Q6600 and decided to overclock it, i am cooling my cpu with a 120 ultra extreme and seem to be getting pretty high temps. Cpuz tells me my core voltage is 1.456 v. It is overclocked to 3.6Ghz. Speed fan tells me my cpu temp is 56 at load. Intel thermal analysis tool tells me cpu 0 is 74 at load. which temp is accurate and are they to high? o and what is a good program to give me an accurate cpu temp.

Edited by MrNiszl

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I personally use coretemp which I think has now been updated with the latest intel dts specs so the tj.max should be right. Just as a guide my q6600 at stock barely reaches 50c in a warm room. I clocked it up to 3.2 and i think they hit 55c. I've got a crap vid so that didn't help and using a tuniq tower for cooling. Keep it below 65-70 I would say you are doing ok esp clocked up to 3.6 ;)

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On core temp at 0% load all 4 of my cores are running at about 47 and when i run Prime 95 at 100% load they are at about 65. and 1.456 is the least voltage i can have with it still being stable. I thought with having the 120 ultra extreme the temps would be lower cause i want to take my clock up to about 4.

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That does seem fairly high to me for idle temps, though I haven't clocked past 3.2 myself. My highest idle temps were around 36c at 3.2ghz. My next question would be what is your room temp? Have you ensured the cooler is seated properly? I cant remember exactly the mounting system for the TRUE but I think it has sprung thumbscrews right? Perhaps add another turn to see if that helps. Also I learnt from experience that too much TIM can actually reduce the cooling effect of the HSF, how much did you apply?

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i found the problem. i had the fan on the cpu cooler mounted wrong. I now have it at 3.8Ghz and it idles at 38 and loads at 57 :P now i just wan2 get it to 4Ghz. i have it set at 1.56v. How high should i go with voltages before it gets too dangerous?

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Much better, glad you got it sorted. As far as voltage goes I would be careful with anything over 1.5v and keep a check on temps for your cpu and nb. I would read around and see what other people have done but ultimately its up to you how comfortable you are pushing a certain amount of volts through your chip. Personally I would like to stay nearer the 1.5v side of the spectrum but I've seen 1.6v, although I wouldn't say that was a recommendation for 24/7 running - perhaps just a bench run. Good luck.

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would it be safe to be running my q6600 at 3.8ghz and 1.5v constantly


Unfortunately not all Q6600 are the same so it's hard to give a yes or no answer. It will be a case of keep an eye on your temperatures and run it at a level that's stable and you feel comfortable with.





Edited by paulktreg

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i found the problem. i had the fan on the cpu cooler mounted wrong. I now have it at 3.8Ghz and it idles at 38 and loads at 57 :P now i just wan2 get it to 4Ghz. i have it set at 1.56v. How high should i go with voltages before it gets too dangerous?

i'm jeolous...!!

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