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Overclocking My Phenom


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I am having a problem guys, I OC'd my phenom from 2.2GHz to a measly 2.8GHz, and already I am having problems, I can run completely stable at 2.7-2.75ish, but I was really hoping for 3.0+. And this discourages me even more because people talking about bumping their Q6600s to nearly 4.0 from 2.6.

I am having stability problems, and I would like to come to you guys to help me make it stable and fix it. I don't think that the RAM is running at 800MHz I am not sure, and I don't know how to tell.

If you need BIOS pictures or any other information I would be happy to provide it.


Here is some information as a start. This is my main rig with a small OC on my 3870 to 864 core by 1278 mem, I can go much higher than this and still have it stable, without OCing my Phenom. (Hopefully even more after I flash my BIOS)





In this s/s I have been running CPU and GPU F@H with all overclocks overnight. 35C with a 2.8 OC makes me want to scream, because it's not stable, but it's cool.


So uh yeah, how to I make it stable and take it up to 3.0+ stable? And is my memory running at the correct speed?

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And this discourages me even more because people talking about bumping their Q6600s to nearly 4.0 from 2.6.

First of all you need to understand that the architecture is different so you shouldn't expect to get the same results as an Intel Quad CPU. You shouldn't compare overclocks from an AMD CPU to an Intel CPU but rather an AMD CPU to the same exact model of your AMD CPU. As for the 4GHz Q6600, some people have a pretty good 65nm G0 stepping Q6600 running under good cooling. 4Ghz is doable for the Q6600's but tricky, although most I've seen nowadays is about 3.6GHz. Also other people that get their quads to 4GHz + have 45nm's quads like a Q9450, Q9550 ect.

The Phenom's also don't overclock that well compared to other AMD processors so that's a factor as well.


As for the OP, can you please post your computer specifications like the motherboard, ram, cooling, psu.

Edited by damian

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So you are pretty much telling me I am f*@#$! when it comes to overclocking? Damn, that sucks.


Here are my computer specs, as requested.


Biostar TA790GXA2+

RAM 4 Sticks = 4GB

CPU Heatsink Changed the fan to a 92mm Vantec Tornado Using Arctic Silver Ceramique

ThermalTake Duorb GPU cooler.

SYTRIN Masscool case and the 460watt PSU that comes with it.

Edited by Kuronin

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What!? no!? :P It's just Phenoms don't have much overclocking potential. But hey from 2.2GHz to 2.7GHz is darn good ;)

Lets see:

Have you tired upping the Vcore/northbridge voltage at all? That would be the first thing to try to find some stability.

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Ok, so I still don't know what I am looking at, still not exactly sure on the details, but so far so good. Picture of meh BIOS.




Sub menus






Chipset Voltages






Confusion about which voltage is the one I want.






Hope this helps.

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Before changing any settings have you tried any stress test programs to check for stability? Other than Folding@Home, download Prime95 and run the small FFT's torture test for a while and see if its stable at 2.7GHz.

Do you know what your boards max CPU/HT Reference clock limit is? As well as the Core FID (I see its set to x11 is that the highest option you have?) With AMD processors its best to have a high multiplier and a low bus speed (or the most acceptable Bus speed also known as "CPU/HT Reference clock"). So keep that in mind.


Once you figure your boards limit try setting your core voltage or "CPU Over Voltage" to 0.075 to give you 1.307V. Then see high you can get with that. After that you might need to play with other voltages (ie. chipset voltage).


Most importantly keep an eye out on your temps ;)


EDIT: Can you also take a picture of the memory configuration tab and DRAM timing configuration tab. Just to make sure your ram is running at the appropriate speeds.

Edited by damian

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Yes, I used intelburntest at 2.8 and it failed. The core FID would be the Hypertransport multipler correct? Yes, x11 is the highest I can take it to on the chip because it is not back edition.

Ok, core over voltage is what I need to change, not the Core VID.

And CPU/HT reference clock is the processor speed correct? The maximum it goes up to is 600. Which is 6600MHz on the x11 HT multiplier. Would increasing the HT over voltage help?


Did everything I say make sense? I am trying to learn how everything works together. So please bear with me, and thanks for your help. I will post the DRAM config in 2 seconds.




Here is that DRAM configuration you asked for you.




While I was in BIOS I bumped the core up to 260 (about 2.86GHz) Changed the voltage like you said, to .075, and increased chipset voltage to 1.3. Booted right up and seems to be stable, I will start running Prime95 as soon as 3Dmark Vantage Finishes.


Still runs at 35-36C idle. I'll let you know what happens under load.




Prime95 has determined that it is not stable.


Apparently there is a compatibility problems with 3Dmark Vantage in Windows 7.


However I am running a F@H CPU client and Atlantica Online without any artifacts, freezes, or any sort of problem.


I don't understand the problem. Would bumping the Voltages up even more help?

Edited by Kuronin

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The processor speed is the CPU/ht reference clock multilpled by the core FID (mpXref.clock=speed...x10x200=2000MHz). Naturally even though the max for the reference clock is 600 you won't be able to boot into windows with the setting set to 600. Most AMD boards are limited somewhere around the 280 range. So leave your multilplier at 11 and just work with the reference clock.


You still have some headroom to go on the core voltage as most phenoms can be safe up to 1.4-1.45V. I'm not sure how much your cooler can take though.


Also try the different chipset voltages and see if it can become stable using either 1.20v of 1.30v.

Edited by damian

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280 would be awesome if I could get it stable. Hwbot record at 290. However at this point it does not seem likely. My cooler is literally the least of my worries. Under load (game+cpu F@H) @ 2.8 I barely break 40C highest I have seen it is 42C.


Can you explain to me what the Core VID is? Also, I have no idea the HT over voltage or the Sideport over voltage affects or how it effects whatever it affects =P Not quite sure I used that right....


Let me see if upping chipset voltages will make a difference.


I also downclocked to 2.8GHz (255) @+.075 voltage. Ran Prime95 with that, and cores 1, 2, and 4 failed. Core 3 went through all 5 tests. Is that considered stable or not? I am going to bump it up to +.0875 volts and see if that changes anything.

Edited by Kuronin

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280 would be awesome if I could get it stable. Hwbot record at 290. However at this point it does not seem likely. My cooler is literally the least of my worries. Under load (game+cpu F@H) @ 2.8 I barely break 40C highest I have seen it is 42C.


Can you explain to me what the Core VID is? Also, I have no idea the HT over voltage or the Sideport over voltage affects or how it effects whatever it affects =P Not quite sure I used that right....


Let me see if upping chipset voltages will make a difference.


I also downclocked to 2.8GHz (255) @+.075 voltage. Ran Prime95 with that, and cores 1, 2, and 4 failed. Core 3 went through all 5 tests. Is that considered stable or not? I am going to bump it up to +.0875 volts and see if that changes anything.


If even one core fails, it's not stable. However, there ARE different degrees of stable. It all depends on what you feel safe with. If it fails hours into the test, you're most likely "fine" for normal computer use because you're never gonna stress the system that much. However, most people feel safest with it rock solid stable; that is, with 8+ hours of stressing and no errors.


HT Over Voltage would be increasing the voltage of the HyperTransport. I'm a noob too, not sure exactly when/if you need to modify this. Sideport Overvoltage would be the sideport memory for your integrated graphics, I think. What chipset do you have?

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Well, it didn't fail hours into the test, it failed in under five minutes. I bumped up the memory voltage a little, and it lasted a little longer under prime95, but still failed.


I have the 790GX Chipset. I think the integrated graphics is an ATI Radeon 3300 or something.

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