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First Time Oc'er Needs Help!


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I've never overclocked before, and I'm only 13 so messing up and destroying my computer isn't really an option either. I could use some advice as a first time overclocker to get some experience, so if anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it. My computer specs are in my signature.


Here are the options in my BIOS:


Auto Detect DIMM/PCI Clk: Enabled

CPU BSEL Select: Auto

System Clock Mode: Auto

CPU Spread Spectrum: Disabled

PCIE Spread Spectrum: Disabled

DIMM Voltage Control: 1.80V

NB Voltage Control: 1.375V


I changed a few values to begin with just because I knew they would work.


I changed the DIMM Voltage to 2.00V since my Ballistix RAM supports it. I also changed the system clock mode to Unlinked, which lets me change the FSB and Memory clock independently. I changed the memory clock to 800, and left everything else.


Now what I want to know is how to overclock the CPU. I don't have any vCore settings, so I guess I'm stuck with changing the FSB. Any suggestions what I could try first?

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1st thing to do is get a temperature monitoring program so you can see how hot the CPU gets.


Then since you have limited adjustments you need to raise the FSB. Try like 11x250fsb(2750Ghz) see if it boots, then run Prime 95 or OCCT to stress test it to see if its stable, make sure the temps dont go over 60C

Edited by SpeedEuphoria

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1st thing to do is get a temperature monitoring program so you can see how hot the CPU gets.


Then since you have limited adjustments you need to raise the FSB. Try like 11x250fsb(2750Ghz) see if it boots, then run Prime 95 or OCCT to stress test it to see if its stable, make sure the temps dont go over 60C


I used 2 programs to monitor the temperature, SpeedFan and HWmonitor. I disabled HWmonitor while I used OCCT and it ran stable after 30 minutes testing. After overclocking to 2750, using the stock cooler, the CPU idles around 18-20c (Core 1) and 20-24c (Core 2) while completely idle, with background processes like xFire and some other stuff. While surfing the internet, around 20-25, core 1 runs cooler. When I used OCCT, it didnt't pass 46c either core.


I'll be experimenting with some more clocking today hopefully.



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You should run OCCT 1hr at a minimum to test stability for a quick test. I like to do 8hrs on my final settings just to make sure.


So you can try bumping the FSB up like 5 at a time till it wont boot, then try the last setting and then run OCCT and see what happens, if it passes 1hr, then you can try to push the FSB a little more if your happy w/ the results you can try to run OCCT for 8hrs then call it good

Edited by SpeedEuphoria

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You should run OCCT 1hr at a minimum to test stability for a quick test. I like to do 8hrs on my final settings just to make sure.


So you can try bumping the FSB up like 5 at a time till it wont boot, then try the last setting and then run OCCT and see what happens, if it passes 1hr, then you can try to push the FSB a little more if your happy w/ the results you can try to run OCCT for 8hrs then call it good


I decided to go in slightly bigger jumps because I'm not trying to squeeze every MHz out that I can. I jumped 25 at a time and reached 1100FSB until it OCCT gave me an error at 1125, 4 minutes in. I'm planning on doing the 1100 OCCT test for an hour and if it holds, 8 hours. Too bad I can't increase the vCore though.

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OCCT crashed 4 hours in on 1100, I decided to stay at 1000, with 2750MHz, which is pretty good for me, and it held stable at 12 hours. Thanks for your help, this was pretty fun project, and my computer feels faster when I run stuff that takes up 100% CPU power.

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Thanks, as for the RAM, I think I'll be able to because ballistix ram seems overclockable. :)


That's right. Try bumping up the voltage on the ram if you can't get far on stock vdimm, that ram should take a few bumps. I always loosen my timings as a last resort but be careful because loose timings and high RAM frequency don't always mean more performance. Take the RAM OC'ing slow and you'll really get the most out of your system

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