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Cpu Z Problem?


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im overclocked my E2140 from 1.6 to 3Ghz and ive manually increased the cpu vcore to 1.3v. Its more or less stable now but i'l be doing more stability tests. But CPU-Z shows that my processor is running at 2800Mhz [350*8] even though its actually running at 3000mhz [375*8]. I have updated cpu z to make sure that the problem isnt with the particular version. The Cpu Vcore is also shown as 1.248 where it should be 1.3v. Help me out please

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But CPU-Z shows that my processor is running at 2800Mhz [350*8] even though its actually running at 3000mhz [375*8].
Did you turn off Speedstep? If not, try running a CPU-intensive app, and if it increases, turn SS off. Also, use a program other than CPU-Z - See what it says.



SpeedStep would cause the multiplier to decrease to 6x not change the FSB.

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