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Bestes Cooling Ideas


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Now days an important part of every build is the cooling. Some use stock coolers, and others find more exotic ways to cool their systems. In this thread i want you guys to post your wildest cooling ideas and or attempts at keeping your builds temps down.

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ummmm..... seriously this could be from like coating it with waterproof material then leaving it in snow to cooling it with an energy drink because their carbonated.



Dont be shy ;)

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Ok well i used my example so now i'll tell you what a friend did. His uncle builds fridges and yes thats a strange job(at least to me)


any way he got his uncle to give him the compressor and help him hook it up to his radiator. (it might not have been the compressor as i'm not an expert on fridge technology).


any way it worked until the compressor broke down.


now your turn

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Back in the day I used poster board to build a forced-air cooling setup that ran from the front of my case to the heatsink then out the back. It dropped temps by well over 15 C under load and let me OC my DLT3C (you should know what it is) an extra 200 MHz. I loved that little 2.5 GHz Athlon.

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Back in the day I used poster board to build a forced-air cooling setup that ran from the front of my case to the heatsink then out the back. It dropped temps by well over 15 C under load and let me OC my DLT3C (you should know what it is) an extra 200 MHz. I loved that little 2.5 GHz Athlon.


Nice :thumbs-up:


and thats the stuff i was looking for

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I always liked the idea of using a faucet to plumb into your waterblock.


Besides the water usage spike and possible mineral buildup there really are no drawbacks.


Good Pressure (usually)

High flow (usually)

Low temperatures

No worries about powering pumps

No radiator




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I always liked the idea of using a faucet to plumb into your waterblock.


Besides the water usage spike and possible mineral buildup there really are no drawbacks.


Good Pressure (usually)

High flow (usually)

Low temperatures

No worries about powering pumps

No radiator





Thats a good idea


but where would the faucet come from

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well i decided i like your faucet idea and i'm gonna get someone to try it. Meaning someone other then me on someone elses computer.

and if i cant do that then i guess i'll try it on some old thing.

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The faucet can come from anywhere, be it a bathroom, kitchen or outside spigot/faucet routed in though the window...



Yeah i was thinking of running a hose from my bathroom to an older computer in my garage.

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I always liked the idea of using a faucet to plumb into your waterblock.


Besides the water usage spike and possible mineral buildup there really are no drawbacks.

Some manufacturers explicitly warn against connecting to mains water supply because the pressure can be too much and warp/destroy the waterblock...


Using the water supply to cool a radiator on the closed loop system would be ok, almost certainly requiring insulation from condensation on the closed loop lines

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