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Is It Possible

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is it possible to make a smart case fan 2 or any 80 mm fan... or you know any computer fan using a computer psu... i want to try to splice the wire to run on an external power outlet the one in the wall is it possible>

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You want to plug an 80mm fan in the wall??




you would need a power inverter(i think it would be an inverter?)


That would convert the 110v wall current to 12v for the fan...


oh and then there is the problem of watts and amps......

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You'd have to build (or buy) a step down transformer to go from the 110/220 V AC to 12 V DC. Not to mention the differance in current.


It'd be easier and not to mention cheaper to buy a standard room fan if you wanted to have a fan plug into the 110V plug.

Edited by d3bruts1d

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Well, sure, it's possible, but (other than because you can) why would you want to??


Here's how:

You would need to get a transformer, like one of those little black boxes that come with a lot of electrical equipment, first. The transformer would have to be rated for 110-115V input and 7-15V DC output...


Unplug the transformer from the wall socket or any other power device...


Cut the little, round adapter end off of the transformer output wires, separate and partially strip the wires.


Use a multimeter to find out which wire is + and which wire is - (or just test them on the fan)


Splice the proper wires together and cover up any exposed conductors...


Plug in the transformer and enjoy your creation...


NOTE: Whatever you do, don't stick the fan wires directly into the wall...

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you would need a power inverter(i think it would be an inverter?)


That would convert the 110v wall current to 12v for the fan....

Hmmmmm... a transformer :) an inverter is used to create 110/240v from a 12v source.



plug that fan into the mains and watch it blow :P


Like D3 said buy a mains powered fan (cheaper), or get an automotive/thermatic 12v fan they're big... huge airflow... etc. ;)

Edited by tazwegion

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Plug in the transformer and enjoy your creation...


NOTE: Whatever you do, don't stick the fan wires directly into the wall...

I actually know a kid who did that...he just cut the wires and stuck them into a wall outlet. Tripped every breaker in the house and just about caught fire. That took a special kind of stupidity...

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haha that crazy stick it straight into the wall..."automotive/thermatic 12v fan they're big... huge airflow... etc." are those for computer or the wall outlet? if wall outlet where can i get it? or do u guys know any like really strong fan that is pretty small that can fit on a little desk like an 80mm or 92mm thanks..it cause my dad friend solders things and he wants it to suck the smoke away

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