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Help Overclocking Quad9450-mushkin Ddr3 1600mhz 1.8-1.9


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HI ..

After yesteday my pc works fine with the OC.. i have a quad9450 and i OC it at 3.2ghz. But then i read that this quad can increase at 3.5ghz without problem.

So i test with different values in many components. like memories, vcore, etc...

My problem is that my pc dont recognized anything now.. i change the values many times but when i execute cpu-z its only recognized the default values of the quad 9450: 2.66mhz.... i dont know what to do,,i try with many combinations but i cant increase again all the values of my quad 9450 and my memories.

this is my pc:


-Core2quad 9450

-Motherboard: Gigabyte EP45T-EXTREME

-DDr3 Mushkin 996629 2x2gb 1.8-1.9v

-AtiRadeon 4870 512mb

-Cooler: Coolermaster Hyper 212

-Power supply: NeoPower 650w Blue

-Case: Nine Hundred Antec

Edited by depecheboy

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HI. i take some pictures of my bios... as you can see,, i OC..many items..but the pc dont recognized,, if i test with cpu-z only figure 2.66mhz... and the memory with 333mhz.

if i go to MYPC. right button, properties its the same.. only figure 2.66mhz..

please help me :unsure:





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For 3.6ghz this is what I have my voltages at.


Cpu voltage 1.26 For 3.8 I need 1.34

NB voltage is stock at 1.33

CPU Vid voltage is 1.26


I set your ram at the stock settings and voltages for now.


Turn off speedstep, C1E, and all that other junk.

Edited by troy5061

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