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E8400 Ocing


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I've got my E8400 Oc'ed to 3.8 Ghz and it runs stable in Prime 95 for 24+ hours, but every time I push the chip to 4.2 Ghz I cant get it to last more than 1 minute in Prime 95. I know I've seen somewhere on this forum someone who has their e8400 stable at 4.2 Ghz. I just want to know what voltages/FSB/memory(timings as well)/etc.. that they are using...any help is freakin amazing. Not that I need to be at 4.2, I just want the bragging rights to my buddies xD

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1.38 is probably the best all around zone for 24/7 overclocks, although 1.4V is still decent enough and if you can get it to stay under 65C on load your set for 24/7 at least in my opinion. But then again my opinion is that 1.4V for 4.2Ghz is not worth it from say, 3.8Ghz at 1.35V or somewhere around that range. ;)

Edited by damian

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bahahaha lol, I got my Chip OC'ed to 3.8Ghz on 1.1875V and it ran completely stable for 26 hours in prime95.(thats when I decided to stop the test lol) Which is why I figured I might be able to hit 4.2Ghz with a smaller voltage setting.

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