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Ram Problems When Running In Sync


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I have overclocked my Q6600 to 3.6ghz on a 780i using 1.425 vcore and upping the NB to 1.5v.


Upto now my ram (Corsiar Dominator 8500 4gb 2x2gb) has been running unsynced with the CPU at 800mhz with 5-5-5-18 timings and has run fine.


Now i tried to up the speed to 1066 but it will just fial prime 95 within 2 mins ( roundinmg was 0.5 when 0.4 was expected) or something like that.


I have tried running the timings as follows, 5-5-5-15 2T with 2.1V and 2.2V and it fials prime95.

6-6-6-18 2T with 2.1V and it fails

5-7-7-18 2T with 2.1V and it fails ( mobo optimum so it said)


It runs well at 800mhz but 1066 is a noticible difference in everything so i really want to get to the Ram's rated figures.





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How about running memtest at those settings?


ok ran the latest memtest and got 81 errors in one pass. These were all on test 6 at the same time,


29 on slot 0

28 on slot 1.



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What DRAM : FSB dividers do you have? If you're at 400 FSB (1600 effective), you should be able to run a 4:5 divider to get your RAM at 1000 (if I did the math correctly...).


Have you tried using your CPU at stock and running your RAM at rated?


3.6GHz is a hefty overclock...you might try lowering it and seeing if it plays nicer with the memory something like 9x333 with a 5:8 divider.

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What DRAM : FSB dividers do you have? If you're at 400 FSB (1600 effective), you should be able to run a 4:5 divider to get your RAM at 1000 (if I did the math correctly...).


Have you tried using your CPU at stock and running your RAM at rated?


3.6GHz is a hefty overclock...you might try lowering it and seeing if it plays nicer with the memory something like 9x333 with a 5:8 divider.


Dont worry now , I ve sorted it. It seems a little more VCore when running the ram in sync seems to do the job.



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