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How To Make A Game??


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Hey guys


I was just sitting around with nothin to do and i thought it would be a good idea to make a pc game.

Well, that's as far as i got, anyone know how? :huh:



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Hey guys


I was just sitting around with nothin to do and i thought it would be a good idea to make a pc game.

Well, that's as far as i got, anyone know how? :huh:




learn to program first, second, how complex are we talking here? text based game like zork? flash based game? 1st person shooter? Go to sourceforge, look for a game similar to what you would like to make, download the source and take a look at how much work went into it.

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Get started with Maya PLE and the Dark GDK.

You can try to find a site that will sell you the full Maya ultimate for ~$400 with and educational discount. I can't remember the site now, but if I do I will post it. I started with VB and DirectX, but quickly found its limits and forgot about game dev for a while until I stumbled upon the GDK library. I've used Maya for ~3 years, previously severely limited by my computers, but finally "unleashed" with my new comp. The GDK is not the same as a free version of Dark Basic, or Dark Basic Pro, but rather a C++ library that makes it much easier to program games.

Good Luck!





Edit: Found it!

Edit 2: Don't bother making a non-MMO based game without a monthly payment. Its just not worth it. You will spend a few years of you life working on it only to sell a few thousand copies and have the rest pirated. Do yourself a favor and make a MMO that is not a grindfest and has a storyline (kinda like...*groan* the old Runescape. They really had some nice storyline in that. Much better than WoW. But anyway... It is possible to hack into a game server, but the amount of people who can to that compared to the amount of people who can seed and download a torrent and crack make it a no-brains-required sort of choice.

Edited by Error 404

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Edit 2: Don't bother making a non-MMO based game without a monthly payment. Its just not worth it. You will spend a few years of you life working on it only to sell a few thousand copies and have the rest pirated. Do yourself a favor and make a MMO that is not a grindfest and has a storyline (kinda like...*groan* the old Runescape. They really had some nice storyline in that. Much better than WoW. But anyway... It is possible to hack into a game server, but the amount of people who can to that compared to the amount of people who can seed and download a torrent and crack make it a no-brains-required sort of choice.
Please tell me you're being sarcastic? You're telling someone with absolutely zero experience in making a game to start off by making an MMO?! Seriously?! Can you send me whatever you're smoking...it sounds like a blast!


Timmy, the first thing I'd do if I were you, is come up with a concept for your game. Something you think will be fun. Then after you come up with a concept, figure out what engine would be best to produce your game. Maybe your initial concept is simple and you can start off with a Flash game. Maybe the Unreal engine would be best. Maybe the Source engine. There are a lot of options out there, and it all depends on what you're trying to make.

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I actually meant it to make a point that in the long run, if he were to go into game dev., it would be safest to work on MMOs, and not that he should start with one - just keep it in mind and have his story ideas and concepts be adaptable to an MMO. Whoah...Run-on ;)

I didn't mean for it to come across like that... Oops. Listen to Clay. I haven't tried modding for any VaLvE software, I guess I just like starting with my own stuff (even though I suck at programming...). Overall I've moved mostly into 3D Modeling, but I still have that MMO in the future idea "box".


Good Luck trying to understand this/previous advice ;)





Edit (...Shush...): If you have Neverwinter Nights (the first one is best for this, but the second could work) you can use the module toolset which has some scripting (there are tools that save you/me when it comes to that) and a bunch a map building etc. Just another though.

Edited by Error 404

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