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After reading this article, I decided to download Xobni.


I've only used it for ~30mins, but I already love it! If you're an Outlook user, this is a must-have!


Quote from article:

If you suffer from e-mail overload and want more out of Outlook, you need this program, which makes finding messages, contacts, and anything else in Outlook exceedingly easy. It's the best Outlook add-in I've ever used.


The program runs as an Outlook sidebar. For each e-mail, it shows information about the person with whom you're communicating, including all the "conversations" you've had with them; in essence, it sets up a threaded list of every e-mail between the two of you. You'll also see a list of every file you've exchanged, as well as the person's phone number and "social network," a list of people with whom that person has exchanged messages. It includes icons for sending an e-mail to the person and scheduling a meeting via Outlook, as well. For anyone who lives for statistics, the total number of messages you've exchanged appears at the top of the screen, along with more information that isn't of much practical use but is interesting regardless.


The add-on offers plenty more, too, including a Xobni Analytics utility that gives you more information than you need about your e-mail use. Want to know the average amount of time you take to respond to people by day, month, and week? It's in there. So is the median time you take to respond to specific people, and to people at a particular domain.


Those statistics, though, aren't the real reason for using this program: It's the only Outlook add-on I've ever tried that actually lives up to the promise of solving e-mail overload.

Edited by ClayMeow

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Outlook will do a chain history thing (like gmail) already. Not sure how it differs to this add-on though, so might be worth checking out. I easily get about 50-100 emails a day at work!

I prefer the folder view with my emails arranged by date and not grouped by people. This allows Outlook to stay that way, and then in the Xobni sidebar to the right, it lists your conversations with whoever's email you have selected, as well as attachments and statistics.


Nifty add-on but not of any practical use to me personally.

I think it'll be useful for me as a programmer because I'm constantly passing attachments back and forth with people, so this is an easy way to access past ones without having to search.

Edited by ClayMeow

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