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Memory Question

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Ok here it goes. I bought an EVGA 780i Motherboard. Slot 0,2,and 3 work fine. I put memory in slot 0 and 2 for dual channel. Slot 1 is not working. I put memory in slot 0, 2 and 3 it works. It shows 3g. However it is in single channel mode. My question is should I use only 2g of memory in slot 0 and 2 for dual channel or use all three working slots for 3g of single channel. I am currently in communication with EVGA concerning possible RMA. But until then which configuration would be best.


Your input would be appreciated.

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I've seen a lot of toss ups on how superior Dual-Channel is and a gig is hard to sacrifice, but if you're under XP I say go Dual-Channel right now. It will simply be much faster than 3Gb of single.

Edited by Jhester

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I am currently using Vista Ultimate 32bit. Would this make a difference


Well Vista does demand more RAM... If you plan on some more intense gaming in Vista, I say use 3gb. If you don't plan on using memory intensive applications, the speed of the dual-channel should give you some help in applications.

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