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Q6600 3.2ghz+ Temps


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Hi all,


I ve now got all my stuff and have started overclcoking and its started well.


I have the following spec.


Q6600 G0 SLACR

XFX 780i

Corsair Dominator 2x2gb of 1066mhz stuff

Zalman 9700NT


OCZ 64gb SSD

CM real power pro 1000w

in a CMstacker 830 NVIDIA


I have currently got it clcoked at 3.2ghz (356x9)

Vcore at 1.3V loading at 1.3V with Vmod.

ram set at 800mhz at 1.8V


after 30 mins of prime95 64 bit with 4 threads temps are as follows




and after 3 hours the max temps each core has hit is as follows.


54/54/51/51 with the CPU at 46 the temps normally sit a little lower than that at 52 and 49 for the pairs and CPU at 45.


Now im wandering if 3.6 is possible with this cooler and CPU?

Is the temps climb that much from 43 at 30 mins to 54 at 3 hours?

Also i know its been asked a million times but can the cores hit 90 safely aslong as the CPU dosent hit say around 65 to be safe?





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3.6GHz is within the realms of possibility with the Q6600 - I know for a fact. What I don't know is what your board is capable of, so you'll have to tinker around with it and see what it can and cant' do.


If during this adventure the quad reaches or exceeds 80C, it's time to back it down.

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3.6GHz is within the realms of possibility with the Q6600 - I know for a fact. What I don't know is what your board is capable of, so you'll have to tinker around with it and see what it can and cant' do.


If during this adventure the quad reaches or exceeds 80C, it's time to back it down.


what part of the quad reaches 80+? Cores or central die thing?



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Cores or central die thing?


I think they say it is the "central die thing" when they give it an 80c rating... Personally, I think I'd give you slightly different advice. I would have a mild stroke if I saw any of my cores above 65c. As to what to use to tell you what your core temps are accurately... Well, realtemp says my cores are cooler than coretemp says they are and the reason for that has been discussed ad-nausium in this and other forums, so I won't get into it. Core temp is higher, so I use it and keep my cores under what it says is 65c. If I am actually keeping them under 60 because realtemp is the accurate one and freaking out if they go higher, then so be it -so much the better.

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I've seen the cpu be pushed to 3.6, but without some serious cooling, heat may be a problem. Also, to get it to 3.6 I had to pump some high volts to my CPU and NB to keep it stable, resulting in more heat. I personally left mine alone at 3.45ghz for the sake of stability and temps, 32c idle and under 58c load. Just my $0.02

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Those are pretty normal temps for a Q6600 with a Zalman.

Your temperature rises will be influenced by how much voltage is required to keep it stable at 3.6.

Those DOMINATORS should be set at 2.1v IIRC. That will have an affect on the stability of the system before all is said and done.

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I ran mine at 3825mhz most of last year with max load temps of 68C. I was using 1.53v Vcore though.

I backed it off just because of 24/7 wear and tear.

It will take its toll, no matter how cool you keep it with that much voltage.

But I could do a 356x9 with defaults, stable. It wasn't until I was flirting with 400FSB that I needed to start pouring the voltage on.

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