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Amd Phenom

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Hey guys my friend just built a comp with a phenom he keeps getting a random error, and I am trying to help him out. This is the message... "A Clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the

allocated time interval'

Sometimes it's 0x0A IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, but usually it's 0x0101

So, for example;

0x00000101, 0x000...030, 0x000...0, 0xFF..., 0x000...03

0x00000101, 0x000...030, 0x000...0, 0xFF..., 0x000...02


0x0000000A, 0x000...030, 0x000...C, 0x000...01, 0xFF....STOP: 0x00000101 (0x00000061, 0x00000000, 0x832D7120, 0x00000001)"


If anyone can help out that would be appreciated.. I have no idea with these quad cores.. here are specs. If that doesn't make sense just ask


amd phenom 9600


8gb (4x2gb) Kingston KHX8500D2K2

NVidia 8600GTS vid card

2x40gb raptor drives in raid 0

vista ultimate x64

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"IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" usually has to do with the RAM.


Test a certain module ram by itself, after that test the other module. See if you have any dead sticks of ram.

download and burn memtest86, insert the disk then boot through the cd/dvd drive. And try that on each stick also.

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"IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL" usually has to do with the RAM.


Test a certain module ram by itself, after that test the other module. See if you have any dead sticks of ram.

download and burn memtest86, insert the disk then boot through the cd/dvd drive. And try that on each stick also.


Yeah most likely, especially since he's using 8GB of RAM. With that much memory, it might be more an issue of voltage than dead RAM, but memtest'ing every stick is a good start. If they all pass, then play with Vdimm and memory controller voltage

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Hey guys, thanks for your quick responses. I'm the friend NkeFusion posted for. Finally signed up for an account. The technical 1's an 0's i had him post were just copied from another forum because i never wrote down the actual message windows gave me. It has NOT been giving me the "IRQL_NOT_LESS_THAN..." message. It does however state (after writing it down) the following:


"A Clock interrupt was not received on a secondary processor within the allocated time interval"


0x00000101 (0x0000000000000031, 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFA60019D8180, 0x0000000000000003)


The same numbers every crash.


Now, here are the possible reasons for this BSOD that I've found thus far (while also considering your replies).


1) I've called AMD... they tell me that its a Windows Ultimate 64-bit specific driver issue affecting the entire Phenom architecture family. Microsoft wants to charge me an arm and a leg using their phone tech support to tell them their drivers are defective.


2) I've also found this on an AMD forum which contradicts what the AMD tech support guy told me:




3) A friend of mine at work mentioned he used to have issues with vista (it liked to crash all of the time) whenever he installed it on more than 2GB of RAM. He then found that when he installs vista on 2GB of RAM, installs updates, and then throws in his extra sticks of DDR2 that he hasn't had a crash since.


Given all of this info as well as taking into consideration your replies, here is my current plan of attack:


1) I'm currently running memtest 86 on the entire 8gb of ram at the same time (Am i correct at assuming that if the test completes with no errors then all is well with each individual stick?)


2) After either a) memtest86 passes or b) I find a stick of RAM is bad, isolate it, and remove it, i will install vista with only 2GB of RAM in the system, run my updates, and then throw the other (working) sticks in.


3) at this point I'm unsure what to do because I have a RMA # that's good till wednesday on the processor (I can return it) but i'll have to stick with a AMD processor (I could go dual core but i'd love to keep the phenom)


So, with all of that said, anyone have some more insight/opinions on what you would do?


Many thanks to all.


Update: memtest86 passed with no errors.

Edited by bpmarkham

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Oh, I remember reading about that error on some forums, don't remember what was or if there is a solution, give me a few minutes I'll look around.


Ok so, can't find a single good fix, it's definitely has to do with the CPU or your board's BIOS. If you already have the latest BIOS, the fix is tweaking it until it works... sometimes taking the NB clock multiplier helps. Never used Phenom so I can't help you much more than that.

Edited by Zertz

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