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yes im an absolute nubcake at overclocking so im asking for some pro help

i have a


Core 2 Quad 9450 2.66

MSI MS-7380 750i mainboard


i would really like to voerclock my cpu to 3.0-3.2 but i can;t seem to be able to mess with any of the settings in the bios and or if i touch anything, the computer doesnt respond and resets itself back to stock settings. if anyone could help me out i owuld appreciate it greatly thank you

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its says that my fsb is set to 1333 and mem at 800 , i can change these .. although when i change them by any amount my comp freezes. so im not sure what to change to even start to oc anything

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its says that my fsb is set to 1333 and mem at 800 , i can change these .. although when i change them by any amount my comp freezes. so im not sure what to change to even start to oc anything


There may be some settings in your bios either in the standard section or the advanced that are ENABLED that keep the settings on default. These may have to be set to disabled before you can go into the other settings and change them. If they aren't disabled, they'll automatically change the settings back to default upon reboot. I had 3 specific ones I had to disable in advanced before the changes I made in my MIT Tweaker would stay in effect. I got lucky and someone here pointed me in the direction of another forum where a guy had the exact same mobo and CPU as I did. I used his steps as a reference to what I did with mine. Just remember to only make little changes at a time.


You may be able to just raise your host frequency a little to get to the desired ghz you're looking for. Depending on the multiplier (clock ratio) your CPU has... Some only go up to x7, some 8 and 9. I think yours is going to be an 8x. Take the host frequency and keep raising it until you get to the desired ghz... Get it to 3.0 to start with and see how it fares. Change your system memory multiplier so that your memory is as close to your memory's rated speed. The system memory multipler will depend on what your CPU host frequency is at. That was the number you entered to get your computers desired ghz. You can change the System Memory Multiplier from auto to manual and then change the multiplier to get your memory as close as possible to the rated speed. If your using 800mhz, use the multiplier to get that number within 50 over or under as possible.


Just as an example... I have my PC at 3.2ghz. I have a x9 multiplier, so I changed the host frequency to 356 to get it there. Now... the 356 will multiply by the system memory multiplier to get THAT number as close to the memorys rated speed as possible. I'm using 1066 memory, so I set my system memory multiplier to 3 to get my memory to 1068.


Once you're done, save your settings and try to boot the PC. If it boots, check your system properties by right clicking on My Computer and then Properties. make sure the settings took effect. If they're set, then run the Prime95 for 6+ hours to see how it fared. If it doesn't boot, go back into bios and bump up for Vcore just a little until you get the pc to boot. The usual recommendation is to NOT get it over 1.4 on air cooling. I have mine set to 1.325. find out what it's set to at stock and up it just a hair.



Good luck and remember... only small changes until you get to where you want. If it goes completely haywire, use the Optimized and Standard Default settings in Bios to get them back to stock and then try again

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