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Ocz Vanquisher With E6300

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Hi all,currently ive got my e6300 @2.4ghz w/stock cooler.It idles at 31,and loads at 41-43.How much can i expect a vanquisher to bring down these temps? I'd like to get to about 2.7-2.8ghz.

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When you say it loads at 41-43 do you mean that when you play a game or use an application? If you want true load temps then download OCCT and run it for the 1 hour test, this will take your CPU to 100% on both cores and give you the max load temp, If however you actually are at 100% then I would be extremely happy with a load temp of 43C and keep the cooler you have.

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Yeah i just did a 20minute torture test with prime95 and the temps struggled to break past 47.I know thats still a nice temp but im planning to oc higher so was just wondering how many dergrees the vanquisher would shave off.

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47c is still pretty good, the vanquisher is quite small though, If you want a great cooler and want to keep the price as low as you can then I would spend 10 bucks more and get the Xigmatek S1283, it basically the same in design as the OCZ Vendetta 2 minus a few frills, but a lot of people have them here and love them, and for 37 bucks you get far more than you pay for.


BTW with prime it takes around an hour or two to reach its max, OCCT takes about 10-15 mins to top out. but its usually only a difference of 2-3C so no biggy

Edited by Branjo

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Well i did push it to 2.5ghz but whilst playing cod4 online i noticed a lot of stuttering that wasnt there at 2.4ghz.Does that mean i would have to increase the vcore to get it stable?

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Yes and no, it could also be the RAM timings. Another thing to think about is having everything on one physical disk can cause stuttering too, with pagefile usage being a constant thing ya know.

To be absolutely sure I would run a couple of hours of prime95 just to make sure its the CPU as you don't want to add extra voltage if you don't have too, and make a bootable CD with memtest on it and test your RAM on system startup so you can rule that out as well, I usually let it run for 2 complete passes, if memory serves me correct (no pun intended) it takes about a half hour for one pass. If neither throw up any errors I would lean towards too much hard drive usage. Its always a good idea to get your page file on its own small partition at the start of a separate physical disk.


EDIT: have you tried bringing your RAM closer to stock by using a different divider, when you are at 2.5Ghz what is your RAM overclocked to?

Edited by Branjo

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On my mobo,you can set the fsb and ram speed seperately.Its only 667 so ive just left it at that.Also,i did a clear out on my hdd last night and freed up 55gb! I'll give cod4 another go and let you kow how i get on. EDIT: Ok,im now at 2.5ghz with a 0.5 increase on the voltage and its running nice and smooth.Also,my temps are still the same so 2.6 is my next target.

Edited by 00stevo

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