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E8400 4.05ghz Stable!!

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VTT? Sorry this is my first real oc :) And should i keep it at normal or increase it?


Also, i notice cpu-z gives me differnt read outs than easytune for core volts. Who would you guys trust? Easytune shows right on the money for what i have it set in the bios cpu-z is always a little lower. 1.36(cpu-z) vs 1.38(easytune)

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VTT = GTL signal termination voltage level. Many motherboard BIOS refer to this as FSB Termination Voltage.


Whether or not you need to increase it is dependent on what your own overclocking experiments show you. If I remember correctly Intel specifies a max VTT voltage of 1.55v, but the nominal value isn't near that. I certainly would not increase it unless you find that it improves system stability based on how high your FSB setting is.

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