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R.I.P. - The technodanvan is no longer with us.


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She was a great ride and the source of my handle. Unfortunately she also put up with a LOT of abuse over the last decade resulting in:


1. Most lights not working, except for warning lights

2. Only one existing corner of bumper remains

3. Transmission leaks a quart of fluid a day

4. Overdrive doesn't work

5. Brakes don't work (especially in the rear)

6. Power steering doesn't work (been broken for two years - I'm totally ripped now)

7. Some floor is rusted through

8. The tailgate won't stay shut with a strap

9. No muffler, exhaust ends roughly behind the passenger door. This is not by design, this is by use.


As such I felt the $125 I got on Craigslist was a steal.


Too bad she was full of gas and has a new alternator. Oh, and the rear wiper works great, which is more than can be said about most new cars. The engine - oh, the engine - that little 3.0 liter V6 gained power every year, I swear to god it did. That van felt quicker than most any other car I've ever been in, due to four things:


1. I floored it everywhere.

2. The transmission instantly downshifted when I stomped on it. None of this "waiting to build up pressure" bull crap I experience in ever other car I've driven.

3. She runs to 50mph in first gear and 75+ in second (and she did this every day, I have no idea what RPM that equals to)

4. She sounds badass from idle all the way to full rev


I'm going to miss her, and definitely miss the capability of handling a full-size mattress whenever the mood struck me. Ah well, she served me 10 full years and is the only car I've ever owned (I'm 24 btw).








And the only existing homage I have left:






I'm going to have to request a handle change as soon as a suitable replacement is found.



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Guest SuppA-SnipA

when i saw the topic title i thought u were leaving the site :confused:

but its ur van, well im sorry this had to happen :(

my dads VW 97 Jetta is soon over, maybe one more summer for it and he's buying a new car

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when i saw the topic title i thought u were leaving the site :confused:

but its ur van, well im sorry this had to happen :(

my dads VW 97 Jetta is soon over, maybe one more summer for it and he's buying a new car



I thought he was dead!


Sorry to hear about the van. Find another junker and hope it lasts the same...and people say American cars don't last.

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you have earned my full respect in every way you can think of dear...

i didnt think it was possible to trash a car worse then my ex his car, wich doenst have all you decribe and more:

no parking break,

no claxon,

ofc no lights,

no proper seating,

the roof leaks like hell,

and changing a tire in the middle of the storm is the worst i haver ever done for my ex.

trust me i was ready to go into nuke-mode and kill, right there and then...


but i didnt ;)


sorry for loosing the car, but respect..../me tips hat.

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Scared the crap out of me with that title, thought something had happened to you.


I let my beater car go in October that I had had since I was 15. It had a lot of memories so my thoughts are with you in this time of grieving.

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I can't say that I know ur pain as I've never owned a vehicle I loved that much,.. especially one that would inspire a board name and avatar. Tho I can help you look in the Toys R Us ads and see what Tonka is coming out with this year. Maybe there will even a be a "Barbie's Bumpin Van".



Whatever we find tho, I think you should keep your handle. The van would have wanted it that way. Mm hmm

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Man, what is it about vans that people get so attached to them?


I've had 6 vans over the years, and I have tons of great stories about them. They may look ugly, be cold as hell in the winter, lousy on gas (thanks to aerodynamics like a brick!), but they sure are practical and fun to drive!


You're gonna miss that van, Dan!

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