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I'm going to state!


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Good job! I've got regions on the 24th and 25th.

I'm competing in CISCO Systems Admin and PC Servicing and Troubleshooting (and all other open events).

Not to sound cocky but I'm sure I'll go to State in over 5 events. See you there!

I'm my chapters VP this year, by the way.

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good job on VP.


I look foward to competing against you.


I didn't take any open events but I should have.

They're quite easy and many questions are from PC Servicing.

Anyway, I hope to make it to Nationals again this year but since it's in Reno... meh.

I probably won't put a lot of work into studying a whole lot...


Edit: The goods from last year (minus 2 first place trophies... I gave those to my team mates)...







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the test was easy. I should have paid more attention, cause I had the right answer in my head but filled in the wrong circle a few times.


It would have been better but a lot of questions were on windows 9x, which I know nothing about.

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the test was easy. I should have paid more attention, cause I had the right answer in my head but filled in the wrong circle a few times.


It would have been better but a lot of questions were on windows 9x, which I know nothing about.

There are some pretty irrelevant questions on that test. I got 5 wrong last year at regions but probably won't do that good this time.

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Guest element

Hey hey. Some of us still use 9x over here. You'll never know what you're gonna run into in real life.


Hey. Sounds like a blast tho. Wish they had such comps over here.

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Guest element
The best part is last year on the CISCO test there were questions to which the correct answer was not one of the options.


Lmao. I remember such crap from University.


Trick question: "How much ram can Xp be run on?"


A. 128

B. 256

C. 512/1024








Answer. B:256


Not that you'd recommend it at all. Our old lap top 'works' on 256. But not reliably.

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