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Storm Bot


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I've been reading articles about Storm bot on and off for a while now but the latest ones made me read abit more carefully.




Looks like I might be looking at Linux for Internet facing stuff and just use XP for games.

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If you run vista x64 and I would think x86 also would not be affected by stormbot, as you can not change/edit the kernel.


It's the latest evidence of why Storm is "the scariest and most substantial threat" security researchers have ever seen, he said. Storm is patient, it's resilient, it's adaptive in that it can defeat anti-virus products in multiple ways (programmatically, it changes its signature every 30 minutes), it's invisible because it comes with a rootkit built in and hides at the kernel level, and it's clever enough to change every few weeks.

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everyone, jelly drank the Microsoft kool-aid!!!


Im not trying to stand behind MS, I just wanted to make a point that StormBot is using a rootkit to changing/editing the kernel. I could be wrong, god knows I have been many of times, but I thought vista could not be changed/edited at the kernel level.


P.S. Google will fix this problem with there OS! lol

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everyone, jelly drank the Microsoft kool-aid!!!


Yeah Jelly, you should probably drink some bleach or try and avoid any drug screenings at least for the next few weeks.

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what i meant is that Microsoft claims vista to be the best, most stable, most secure OS ever built (I can hear Linux and MAC guys SCREAMING with laughter haha).


We know this simply isn't true. Rootkits can get into the Vista kernel just like they can XP and 2k and so forth. MS will say anything to get you to buy it (sound familiar? like...DFI maybe?). They'll tout all kinds of bits to assure you that nothing can harm their OS and it will never crash, it's faster than any OS on the market, etc.


All marketing crap. Remember, I been using Windows since 3.11 days and I've been a huge MS fan all the way up until Vista release day (sorta like finding out your favorite uncle is actually a child molester...you get those mixed feelings). Windows is inherently unsafe (unsecure) for many many reasons (let's not talk about activeX controls, vbs scripts, executables, batch files, god knows what else).


If there's one truth on this planet other than death & taxes are unavoidable, it's that Microsoft's OS's are almost always the exact opposite of what their marketing monkeys spew out in press releases etc.


Then consider the other part: 90%+ of the world's Windows users still use Windows XP. 5% or so still use Windows 2000. That leaves about 5% using Vista or NT4 or 98 etc.


So here's your choice: move from a very stable OS like XP or 2000 to some pile of dogshit named Vista to get false sense of security because MS says it can't be infected with a rootkit...


Nah see, that won't happen. EVEN IF Vista was all safe and secure like their marketing wants you to believe, you'd be moving into an OS that is not primetime ready, not all that stable, not user-friendly, not high performing (like XP can be), and most definitely not compatible with even close to the majority of software/hardware that XP or 2k is.


There's a reason why Vista is selling like Apple Macintoshes (ie: almost non-existent). There's a reason why companies like Dell and users like you and me refuse to move to Vista for anything but testing and we refuse to move our customers (ESPECIALLY corp/biz/enterprise customers who need secure, stable db access and networking).


Vista will mature in time no doubt, but it will never be more secure than say Linux/Unix (not just because of the huge difference in install numbers as that's who virus/worm writers target...the most widely uses OS's, which is of course Windows).


I guess this Storm bot doesn't care either way, even if you could install a decently stable working Anti-Virus in Vista (I haven't gotten any of them to work 100% stable yet in any Vista distro).


Oh, and the everyday average user, he'll just click "ok" or "allow" on that goddamn "ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DO THIS?" user control thing that pops up every xxxxing time you want to even open notepad or firefox when using Vista lol. Or they'll just turn that annoying . off like I do and then there won't be any notice of something installing ;)


I think I'm going down the same road as others...I've got Ubuntu 7.10 installed as a primary OS on one rig and Windows XP ONLY for gaming (and I'm spending TOO much time trying to get some games to work in WINE and soon Cedega just because I'm ultra-curious about getting it working, and I have XP for all gaming that gives me too much hassle in Linux, as well as a Wii, Xbox360, Playstation2, Xbox lol).


Since Linux has Open Office and just about everything but gaming that i normally use everyday, and isn't subject to this ridiculous nonsense of worms and bots and viruses (there are some out there but it's like a grain of linux sand on a beach and that beach's sand is made up entirely of Windows grains haha), I'm going to be screaming curses at this piece of crap known as Linux until I figure it out then I'll bash everyone over the head about giving it a shot and leaving windows as a legacy OS just to do specific tasks that can't be done in Linux or can't be done without a hundred billion xxxxing command lines and apt-gets and sudo's and such.




don't drink anymore of Microsoft's kool-aid man. Bleach is healthier and actually safer ;)

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I am not here saying vista is were we need to be moving to. Hell I use vista every day on my main computer with no problems, and yet I still wont recommend it to anyone. Why you may ask? Its just not mature yet, that simple.


I am starting to use ubuntu 7.10 now and trying to leave microsoft behind me. Just like you I will have to use windows for gamming right now, but with AMD getting into the linux game we will see better drivers and more support. If a big companie like google can jump in and give money/support in making a OS to come ahead of window and the whole enterprise world loading it into there computer we will see some real changes and good things happen!


So you are asking yourself what is my point in this thead now. It is this, if everyone was using linux like we use windows there will be a need for the hackers to learn all the flaws to get what ever they want. Stuff like storm bot will be writen for linux not windows. We would most likely need good AV, firewalls, spyware protection, and spamfiters. With linux being an opensorce OS hackers will have all the rights to edit the OS and find the loophole in the kernal, and lead to the same things like stormbot. That could very well change tho and the OS could lose the general public license. But then what is the difference between MS and Google then? It is realy scary thing that a small little piece of code could put us in national security risk!


Now I respect you very much so and listen to what you say! I am not trying to butt heads with you, Im just trying to have an informative conversation, and put my two cents worth of information in. When Im wrong I like being told so as I learn from it and down the road pass the same wisdom on to other people. :)

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Meh, virusi (yes, it's add an 'i' to everything to make it plural day [viri?]) don't bother me.


The only way this one will is if I have to reformat more than 3 times. And even if that happens no worries, I'll just break out my uber-leet antivirus virus that I've spent the last 4 minutes programming but planned on marketing before bringing it public.


Bring it.

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