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QX6850 - Help me clock thread... PLEASE!?!?!

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Okay guys... I've looked everywhere and I have no freakin' clue what I'm doin' LOL


I know what the timings mean, I know where some of them go... but other than that? No clue. I think my 3.333GHz settings were actually extremely stable, but how the F am I going to find out?


We don't even have an established PROCEDURE for Orthos/Priming a Quad Core, do we?


If so, where is it so I can read it :(


I looked, I really did... no OCDB entries for Quads at all :(



I've already got 3DMark03, 05 & 06 run with CPUz showing etc. just needa do whatever stress testing on the CPU for 24 hours and then run 01 again and I'll have a Stock Database entry... but what do I do? LOL


Also, my RAM Timings are ::pulls up NVidia NTune to check every single one::


Between that, what I can remember and CPUz 1.40.5 or whatever it is, I got this:


CAS: 5

tRCD: 5

tRP: 5

TRAS: 18

TRC: 24

Command Rate: 2T

and these are from NVidia so I dunno if they're totally right or not:

TWR: 5







Am I missing anything?


I'm at stock arse stock, have the CPU multi set to 9, RAM set to automatic (it's detecting at DDR2-800), FSB is set by itself at 1333MHz.


I just wanna know, for now at least, how the frell to Prime/Orthos a quad core, that way I can get a Stock Entry done, then I'll start the OC adventure.


Specs are in the sig, if you need ANYTHING ELSE info wise, ask, I can look it up or reboot and look in my BIOS... just... help the poor AMD fan that went evil :( LOL It's like the difference between Russian and Chinese to me right now, but I want to learn.

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Well for now I'm going to just run 2 Prime95s and an Orthos since running 2 Orthos doesn't work, I'll do a screenshot of when I start running it and when I end, that way there's proof that the time wasn't changed and that it started and ended right and such... bit of a hassle but it's the only way I can find to max all cores... gotta reboot then I'll get that started and head to bed I guess LOL

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Well, 2 Primes and an Orthos is working very well, core temps are all hovering in the low 50s right now, been running for 20 minutes... I have Orthos on Blend and Prime95s both on Custom using 200MB each... needless to say I'm at Commit Charge: 2078MB/2147MB LMAO Using almost all my RAM... if this ain't a stability test I don't know what is.


And I'm using IE, AOL and ITunes while doing it... yeah, I'm mean to my computers so they learn to love me when I'm nice. lol

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Seems my temps are definitely steady now, 43 minutes in...


They hover up to 55-57C on all cores, then back down to 49-51C on all cores, then back up again and back down... scary temps, least from my perspective, although from what I understand these are a cake walk for a Core 2? Is that right or...?


Highest I've seen on any core so far (using Intel TAT which actually does monitor all 4 cores continually) is 57C. And that's in a room that's sitting pretty at 70F room temperature and an AC set on 66F blowing straight at the fan blowing in to the side of my case LOL I ain't too worried about it burning itself to a crisp while I'm sleeping, that's for sure.

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'nother update: 7 hours, 38 minutes in, still runnin' strong... temps are still hovering up and down between 49-57C as my AC turns on and off... only 16 hours and some change to go, yay! Never thought I'd say this but I'm happy it passed this far LOL




Someone suggested some new version of Prime95 I can't find anywhere, but I just posted this in reply:


let me show you guys how I have it running right now since it's comin' up on 8 hours, and you can tell me what you think:


Starting Screenie:



Screenie from just a few moments ago (8hrs in):



What I plan to do is, post the beginning screenie I just posted, then another that's over 24 hours (that I'll take around 2:40AM tonight) with Everest & CPUz and 3DMark01 in it, to fulfill the need for a screenie of a 24 hour stress test... in the future, if I can actually find a download of Prime v25.3.1.0, I'll be sure to download and use it, but this method, while a bit of a hassle, I'm sure wouldn't bother most enthusiasts that actually have quad cores, anyway.


And note that I am closing NVidia Monitor Between captures and just watching Intel TAT since it's more accurate, that's why the positions of things have changed SLIGHTLY in the second picture (Prime95s were moved down a bit).


If that doesn't satisfy their want for me to show stability when I post a 24-hour time capture around 3AM tonight, I don't know what will ;)

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You should be fine up to 65C or so...though I definitely tried to keep mine under 55.


This is with the stock heatsink, correct?


As for established rules...personally I'd like to see the same program used. If it's 4 instances of prime95 or two of SP2004/Orthos...


Sidenote: You should be able to run two instances of Orthos. Try installing it twice (much as you would Prime95 or SuperPi) to separate folders. Once they're both open, assign cores to each one, then start them up.

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I just ran out of RAM while typing the above post and it made Orthos stop... oh well, 9 hours and 47 minutes... ain't good enough for a stock entry but it'll do for me for now... 24 hours is too long for me to not be able to do anything... now where is this new prime version that does all four cores? I can't find it on Google :-

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