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16 year old OC'er + OC Jargon + Still learning terms = Soon to Be frie

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I need some serious help OCing my RAM so I can get the best timings and best frequency for my CPU. I have my CPU running at 2.50Ghz but with my RAM running at DDR2 667 and HT 3x instead of DDR2 800 5x. Can someone like...shine some light on me so that I can have tighter (or looser) timings so I can have optimum performance with the RAM and CPU and not lose any gaming performance?




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how much sticky and previous postage reading have you done so far???? i say this because that MB you have is popular,


many use it, have reported their clocks and settings, heck, i don't even have that board and still have read a lot here and on other the BBS's, RE: clocking, ram settings, etc.......


maybe that is why you didn't get a quick answer......and the search button will bring up lots of stuff if you just copy and paste the MB description shown in your sig...happy hunting:)



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What does being 16 have to do with anything ;)

I'm 17.

Anyway, welcome to DIY-Street!

You really need to read and understand the Overclocking Guide. It's an easy answer for all of us, but it's also the best.

Also look through the OCDB for some good starting settings.

Overclocking is too dynamic for us to tell you put this, this, and this into the BIOS to work.

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What does being 16 have to do with anything ;)

I'm 17.

Anyway, welcome to DIY-Street!

You really need to read and understand the Overclocking Guide. It's an easy answer for all of us, but it's also the best.

Also look through the OCDB for some good starting settings.

Overclocking is too dynamic for us to tell you put this, this, and this into the BIOS to work.


Not many kids that overclock, lol. Well, thanks for the warm welcome, much appreciated :). I just wish someone could have the exact setup as I do. But if that were so, it wouldn't be a unique computer, right? Lol. I'll take a deeper look into the OCDB on Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4 motherboards equipped with Adata DDR2 800 RAM (which is an unlikely find here, lol) and see what they had to say.

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the Adata stuffs is awesome, got some 4 gig of the PC6400 running DDR 960 in an Asrock Dual SataII w/AM2 riser card on the test bench....


as far as your MB, trust me, you throw your MB description in the search section here, over at Extreme and OC forums, just to mention a couple, and you will get so many hits you will be busy for hours reviewing all the data....


and all the informations you need will be contained therein....make it easy on yourself and get to reading...



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Not many kids that overclock, lol. Well, thanks for the warm welcome, much appreciated :). I just wish someone could have the exact setup as I do. But if that were so, it wouldn't be a unique computer, right? Lol. I'll take a deeper look into the OCDB on Gigabyte GA-M57SLI-S4 motherboards equipped with Adata DDR2 800 RAM (which is an unlikely find here, lol) and see what they had to say.




Im 16 too.lol. Welcome to the steet. The best way to learn how to overclock is to read the guides and just fiddle with the settings. :angel:

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Im 16 too.lol. Welcome to the steet. The best way to learn how to overclock is to read the guides and just fiddle with the settings. :angel:


Lol, I'm not alone :P. Everytime I mess with the timings, I always get the memory error beeps from my computer and it won't go away untill I put the jumper on the CMOS reset.

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Age has nothing to do with your knowledge. Anyway, even if someone did have SAME components, unless they where made the same exact day, same revision, same BATCH, your OC settings would still have to very.

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