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Bogus 3d Mark Scores


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What do you guys think of this

When you are do a 3D benchmark you can OC your video card to the max and then do the test but the image quality will be unwatchable I leave the room and then you get a really high benchmark

But is that real ,isnt a benchmark supposed to the highest good quality benchmark you can get now heres the thing quality is in the eye of the beholder or is it just the highest crap score you can get regardless of how you got it

Edited by stocknotclocked

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When o/c'ing your vid card, it's probably ok if you have a 2 second lockup once in the benchmark, but if you're getting artifacts, LOWER YOU CLOCK SPEEDS. That's very unhealthy for the card, and you could risk frying the little bugger if you keep it up.

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How about those really high scores on the search and compare thing I bet thats how they got those I dont care I cant compete anyway with a 9600 pro but how many do you think are legitimate no artifact scores.

I had no artifacts in my score :)

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I think most of the scores are there with little or no artifacts. The fact is, most people don't like ruining video cards. And *most* people are smart enough to know that artifacts are a sign that you need to lower clock frequencies.

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my highest score has very tiny artifacts you know those finite dots that you can only just see. and there not all the way through only rarely do they show up that score was 200 more on 2003. the scores were no art 2903 and with the dots 3107 so is the 3107 legitimate or false I could still post on the search and compare and people have to compare to that result regardless.

Edited by stocknotclocked

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