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Good software to show northbridge temperature

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I have a SLI-DR, and have tried Everest, PC Wizard and Speedfan, but can't seem to find my northbridge temp. The temp Everest shows for the northbridge doesn't vary at all, even when going from idle to load. What do you use?

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Speedfan works fine for me and i've been using it for years(back to NF2 days). If it's just a question of which temp is which, then you can download different config files for different mobo's. Just download one for your DFI SLI-DR and run it.

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There are probably a kajillion or so posts in this forum regarding "Chipset" temperatures, so yes Praz is correct when he says all these programs work and display changes in the "chipset" temps.

What program are you using when you are checking for an increase?

A link to the MBM5 thread is below my sig.

Let me know if you need help with it.

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