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Pushing past 1.9GHz

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Hi all


I am having some trouble getting my 1.8G proc to go past 1.9G. Ideally, I would like it to get to at least 2.2G


Here is what I have set in the bios:

FSB Freq 210

LDT/FSB Freq ratio 3.0

CPU/FSB Freq ratio 9.0

PCI Freq 100Mhz


This is the best I have been able to do. If I set the fsb freq to 215 or more, the system simple won't boot into WinXP and I somtimes get graphic glitches on my monitor.


Is there a guide that explains some of the finer bios entries regarding overclocking, as I am not too familiar with the myriad of options available to me.


I have searched the overclocking database for a proc similiar to mine, which is where I found an entry for bios options for a proc that is similiar to mine.



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Guest Blooz1

You're using an underpowered PSU, and it would be good if we had more info about what ram you're actually using there. (Brand/model/chip type if possible)

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Guest Blooz1

Thaat generic PSU isn't helping you at all! I'd suggest you take a look at this thread for recomended brands and models for use with DFI boards;




Also, D/L and print out the overclocking guide linkd in post #2 of this thread. It'll take a couple of readings before it starts to "sink in", but there's a wealth of info there on how to set up DFI boardss!

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  • 2 months later...

I have replaced my generic power supply with the one in my sig and have tried playing with the RAM timing settings according to the link in the thread.


I can still only hit around 217mhz before the system won't boot into Windows. I am not sure what to do at this point, short of replacing the ram I guess?


I am looking at 2x512 OCZ Plat sticks, good idea?

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put ram on a divider, them try again (see below). get a PSU that falls into the 'accepted' category.......................


you need to read a whole heck of a lot, did you check out "the definative overclocking guide"???? or did you just skip it over, read sit, learn it, it gives specific instructions on how to test the limits of you ram and dividers, how to test the limit of your CPU and its memory controller....then how to combine the two into a nice blended overclock.....


once you get a command of the above, things should go a little better for your clockage..



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Thanks bldegle2, I did finally "read" the overclocking guide this time. First time I read it, I kinda glanced thru and and got the "gist" of it, and hence, why I could only clock my fsb to 217 from 200.


Over the weekend, I reread the guide, properly this time, and now have my proc running at 250mhz fsb, but this is with the ram at 100mhz.


I have a question about the section on finding the max speed of your ram. It states that you set your cpu multi to 7, set the ram to 200mhz, and increase the fsb 5-10mhz and run memtest each time. I have already got my fsb to its max of 250mhz, so I assume the article means to say to reset the fsb to it's default speed and increase it until you get memory errors? Is this correct? Otherwise, I won't be able to increase my fsb since it is at the max right now.


Thanks for any clarification on the ram speed section of the article.



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  • 1 month later...
...so I assume the article means to say to reset the fsb to it's default speed and increase it until you get memory errors? Is this correct?...


Yes reset FSB back to 200Mhz. :)

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...so I assume the article means to say to reset the fsb to it's default speed and increase it until you get memory errors? Is this correct?...


Yes reset FSB back to 200Mhz. :)


But when you try to push the memory higher you will also need to adjust the memory timings.


This may help up to 250Mhz.

Max Aysnc Latency = 6ns or 7ns

Dram responce = Normal

Read Preamble = 5ns

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