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Venice 3200 and DFI ULTRA-D O/C problem??


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Ok I have a Venice 3200 listed in my sig coupled with a DFI ULTRA-D. I decided that the bottleneck in my system is my CPU since with my new 1950XT I am not seeing much of a performance increase in games, 3d applications yada yada.

My goal originally was to get my Venice 3200 to 2.6 GHZ but it does not seem I am having much luck. I have another Venice 3200 lying around which I will try if this fails. Listed below are the steps I have taken and I am looking in seeing A. What I am doing wrong, B. What I am doing right or C. My cpu is just not a good chip for O/C (could be memory)


What I have done:

A. I followed the O/C guide and some other guides. The method I took to find my max CPU was as follows:

1. Max HTT/FSB

-set CPU multi to 6 or 7, this will take CPU out of equation

-set memory to SPD and 100, this will take memory out of equation

Now as for my memory I just kept it at the default settings and set the dram Frequency set to 100. I believe that I did not set my ram to its SPD. (CPC = auto??)Due to how I am not 100% actually what settings these equal:

Rated Timings 2.5-3-3-7 at DDR400

SPD (Auto) Timings 2.5-3-3-7

Rated Voltage 2.6V

Please tell me if I performed this correctly since I am not 100% sure.



-Increase HTT/FSB up until you fail to boot or there abouts, back down 5%, (HTT * 0.95), this is your max safe HTT.

The setting I got performing this was a HTT/FSB of 220 after 12 hours of prime 95



2. Max Chip capable

- I set my multiplier to 10 (CPU FSB Frequency Ratio)

- I set my Vcore ( CPU VID CONTROL) to 1.475v

I did the same as above


- I set my LDT/ FSB Frequency Ratio to 3x

-starting with HTT 200 raise in about 5Mhz to 10mhz increments up to boards max found earlier or until you start failing PRIME95 which will probably happen first..only give it 5 minutes max, that's good enough for now.


I started actually at 220 to see what would happen and it got a BSOD, I then went ahead and went down to 215 and got a BSOD, Last night I went to 205 and its still running prime95.


These numbers to me seem very low. I BELIEVE I took the ram out of the equation but I will let you be the judge if I performed something incorrectly. I have another Venice 3200 but I am out of Artic silver so I will have to buy some ( or if you can recommend a PC store I can go to on my lunch break to buy some that would be great). Otherwise if this does not work I will just have to do what I was considering,

Buy new RAM,

Buy new Mobo,

Buy new CPU



As for the ram I am using listed below in my sig I bought it originally due to this review:

Anandtech Review I do not know how to go around setting up this ram in my bios as per finding the max of my ram. However the current settings I am using for my ram on the Ram section are:


Currently I am running these at some really low settings:

CPC - Auto

TCL 2.5



TRP 07

TRC 07



TWR 03



TREF 4708



Dram Bank Enable

DQS Skew Control AUto

DQS Skew Value 0

DRAM Drive Strength Auto


On memtest this is fine but it seems like I am getting no Juice out of this so I am curious if you have any ideas as to what is to be expected of this. My system is listed below in my sig.



EDIT: Wanted to just say thanks for all help ahead of time!

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Which BIOS are you running?


Set CPC to disable.


Remember, ANYTIME you raise HTT you need to lower the LDT/FSB ratio to keep it at or below 1000.


Anytime you raise the the HTT secondary timings are important. You don't have them shown but what are your Max Asynch Latency and Read Preamble settings?

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Which BIOS are you running?


Set CPC to disable.


Remember, ANYTIME you raise HTT you need to lower the LDT/FSB ratio to keep it at or below 1000.


Anytime you raise the the HTT secondary timings are important. You don't have them shown but what are your Max Asynch Latency and Read Preamble settings?



CPC was on enable so when I get home ( at work atm) I will disabke that.

My LDT/ FSB Frequency ratio was set to 3x

My LDT/FSB Frequency ratio ( DRAM Configuration) was set to 100 ( 1/2)

for finding the max speed of the cpu

I thought this would bring my cpu below 1000 since my fsb was initially for HTT 220 CPU ratio 7, DRAM was 100mhz 1/2 which was for my HTT max value ( 220) Which put my:


CPU Clock Speed:1540 MHz

HTT Bus Speed: 660MHz

RAM Speed: 110MHz


Then on the next round I put it at: Cpu Ratio Multi = 10x CPU HTT = 205 LDT Multi= 3x Ram Frequency = 100mhz 1/2 DDR200 which gave:


CPU Clock Speed:2050 MHz

HTT Bus Speed: 615MHz

RAM Speed: 103MHz


this seems awfully low so I am definitely doing something wrong


My bios is 6/23

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I thought I isolated the problem fine in the steps I did above as to my problem on the bright side I have another venice 3200 which has never been touched and has just been collecting dust for 1 1/2 years. So I was thinking maybe I should get some thermal compound and plop the heatsink on and test it out. This way I can see if my problem is:


1. my Motherboard ( it has been acting funny lately, i.e. fan problems... may need a new fan as per another post I had)

2. My cpu ( if I change the cpu and the HTT moves higher when the multiplier is @ 10 wouldnt this show me it was the cpu??) All things considered I will need more thermal compound should I invest in some artic silver? Or should I just get some radio shack compound?


Plus it can't be the ram at the moment since I jacked it down. The reason why I was considering it may be an issue is due to me having the wrong settings.


At this point where should I go?


I can go and buy some AS5 from Compusa for 12$ or I can go get some generic thermal compound from Radio Shack for 5$ what do you think?

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