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Getting an CFX3200DR need BIOS help

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Well guys I need some help if possible.

1. What BIOS does best with the FX60 on this board? I do possibly plan to do RAID (I know there are issues with UTI (see below)) but currently I have a Raptor X waiting to get some play time.

2. Drivers I may need to update for Raid, and anything else. If I do use Raid it will be RAID 0 and will be with only 2 drives (and then the Raptor X doing something like running programs (or it may be my OS drive)


Now if it is just links you send me, I will GLADLY read, if you have a good idea on what page of the link I need to spend particular time on let me know.




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Well guys I need some help if possible.

1. What BIOS does best with the FX60 on this board? I do possibly plan to do RAID (I know there are issues with UTI (see below)) but currently I have a Raptor X waiting to get some play time.

2. Drivers I may need to update for Raid, and anything else. If I do use Raid it will be RAID 0 and will be with only 2 drives (and then the Raptor X doing something like running programs (or it may be my OS drive)


Now if it is just links you send me, I will GLADLY read, if you have a good idea on what page of the link I need to spend particular time on let me know.





1) There is only a best BIOS for you ;)

2) Sorry, can't help you there.

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Yes. My post got deleted. I'm not sure why. Here's what I did as I was putting my rig together (see signature):


1) Flashed the motherboard using the updated BIOS (2006/07/28).


2) Connected my Raptors to SATA ports 1 & 2, which utilizes the southbridge chipset.


3) Created a RAID with the Raptors using 64k stripe size.


4) Installed the latest ULi RAID drivers. These are the drivers needed when installing Windows XP after pressing F6.


5) After installing Windows, I installed the latest chipset drivers.


I've obtained the latest BIOS and RAID drivers from DFI's website and chipset drivers from nVidia's website.


Latest BIOS:


Download Date code 2006/07/28


Latest RAID Driver:


Scroll down this page until you see RAID Driver revision


Latest Chipset Driver:


Download Intergrated220.


I have no problems with the board, not even the ULi freezing issue. I hope this helps you as well.

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SIL is Sata I though is it not? I have one Raptor X I plan to use on the ULi chip, and then I will use to Deathstars on the SIL chip but as I started to DL the drivers from thinks above I noticed no XP64 Driver for the ULi Chip, soooo I think I am stuck on the SIL Chip as is.


I will fiddle around with it and see what I got.

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The F6 file from DFI includes XP64 drivers. It just says XP/2000 but they are in there.. Download it and extract it to a floppy. XP64 isn't too fond of non WHQL drivers so you may end up downloading the 2.20 drivers from nvidia's site and then extracting them to grab the raid drivers.


As far as which bios to run, that's kind of up in the air seeing how every bios for the board has it's own set of problems. You just kind of have to go through them and see which set of problems irritate you the least.

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...first board DOA, my FX60 would not post, dont know if it is a BIOS upgrade or not to get it to boot, will try a Venice Core on the next Board to come to me first then upgrade BIOS and re-install the FX60... that should NOT have to happen, but DFI pulled a u turn with this mobo, wish I would have read more before I hit the submit payment button.

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It's unfortunate that DFI threw in the towel on the CFX3200. The board has serious potential but it's unfixed flaws are a real let down to those of us who want performance in every category from a motherboard.

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