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ok, as all of you can see, this mean's crying. T_T . Could you guys make me an icon of it please? MSN (or yahoo) has a good icon of a smiley face crying. GET ME ONE OR ELSE I"LL COME AFTER YOU AND UMMMMMMM... USE MY MAGIC TO TURN ALL OF YOUR COMPUTERS TO 50mhz CELERONS!!! MUAHAHAHA

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  • 2 weeks later...

well go cry about it then, because its not going to happen anytime soon :)

Unless you can find someone to make a 21x21 pixel image of a smilie crying. I then might add it.

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Oh it was you, hiph0pan0nym0usx, that made my icon... and here i'm giving bosco the credit. Thanks alot man... "have i told.. you lately that i..." Well... don't fill in the rest...

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